Yes we had a bit of excitement in Southport on Monday and Tuesday with the Steviegate affair. I was driving son Paul to the station at Preston when I heard the news so I popped by the Police Station on the way back to find it deserted but for a lone paparazzo. However 12 hours later it was packed with photographers.There were film crews camped outside Tesco Garage and I think it was Dave Guest who beat me to their last Finest Roast Beef and Horseradish sandwich.
It beats me how someone getting a couple of stitches and a tooth knocked out finds its way onto the national news. Blimey Southport should be making headline news every day as the local papers don't have enough room to print all the night club fights that happen every week. And as for the press speculation that Gerrard could get 5 years! The most I have seen locally for a similar offence is six months for a persistent offender. If Stevie G is guilty it is a first offence apart from the bit of shoplifting when he was a kid that he mentions in his book and, IF he is guilty, the most he should expect is community service. I hope it doesn't cause too much distraction as Liverpool' performance on Monday was sublime and why they are not favourites to win the Premiership is beyond me. I bet £400 on them a few weeks ago and have now laid some of it so I win £1000 if they lift the Premiership and lose about £250 if they don't. I may lay some more depending on how the Stoke game goes on 10th Jan. If the odds drop below 3 I could make a good profit.
I am writing this at work although we are officially closed. I came in today and yesterday to see how many of the people whose cheques were "in the post" before Christmas were telling the truth. Answer-none. It looks like 2009 is going to start like 2008 finished. I was glad that I came in as we had a FAX from a customer with a problem boiler and I am pleased to say that I was able to help him fix it very easily.
Our local computer wizard Graham is with me at the moment doing a health check on all the PCS whilst we are closed. He is just doing a few tweaks but it seems to be speeding them up nicely.
Anyway I would like to wish any readers a very very happy and successful 2009 and let's all put 2008 behind us.