Here's Laura Neal, Nick's daughter who got an A & 2Bs at A Level and qualified for a prestigious TV Production course at Bournemouth & Poole University. Well done Laura. We know how much you enjoy media and wish you all the very best. That's two Instanta offspring in the TV industry now.

Pictured centre is Sue Ebo. Sue has emailed me a photo of daughter Rachel but as email is so completely and utterly useless I have not received it so, sorry Rachel but congratulations go to her on achieving 6As and 4Bs in her GCSE results out today.

And here's Michael Sweeney son of Dave and Amanda of City Servicing. Michael also got his GCSE results this morning and has got 11 in all including 2A* and 2A. Well done Michael. His mum tells me he aims to follow a career in medicine (servicing people not boilers like his dad).

And here pictured far right is Peter Barlow from our stores department. Peter's son Alex has just passed 7GCSEs allowing him to qualify for Sixth Form college. Like his dad, Alex is a top class footballer, and is going to study Sports Technology at college. He will also qualify for a place in a feeder team for local professional football clubs. Well done Alex. Once again due to the unreliability of email we have had to make do with a photo of your dad!
We've had five entries for yesterday's competition but all are incorrect so far. So here is another clue. Look very closely at the chimney. Unusual isn't it?
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