We are pleased to welcome back Liz Clayton who has joined us for the last few months of Nat's maternity leave. Many of you will remember Liz who originally joined us in the office to cover Sam's maternity leave about six years ago. She was then replaced by Lauren who joined us when Liz went off on her own maternity leave. It's all a bit of a maternity leave merry go round isn't it? Anyway we are delighted to have Liz back and we are sure that she will enjoy her few months back in the madhouse.
Remember the days when Spam was something delicious that you made fritters out of or had on a salad with Heinz salad cream? Now it is junk email that is rapidly becoming the bane of my life. If somebody does not come up with a method of eliminating this insidious rubbish very soon I think my computer will find its way into the nearest skip. Today it took me over two hours to find my one genuine email. Yes I know that you can get filters but these can't be relied upon either. Marion once wrote an email with the word male in it which was never received. When sent with the word boy as a replacement it got there. My son Paul almost missed out getting a job because an email secondary job application didn't arrive and it was only the employees querying it that saved him. I think the way forward is FAX.
Spent the weekend ploughing through old video tapes that I took of the kids over twenty years ago as I am investigating converting them into more up to date media. If, like us, you have got any of these old tapes I recommend that you check them out. It was amazing how much they had deteriorated and how fragile they had become. Some snapped on rewind (fortunately fixable). And when you watch them some look all grainy like something from old Pathe news clips.
Five minutes from the end of Big Brother I stood to win £520 on Rachel but just £220 on Mikey. As Mikey's odds were dropping like a stone I chickened out and laid Rachel to end up with £300 on either. Just my luck that Rachel went on to win but, as she was only 1% ahead I think my hedging was justified. Am now meddling with the West Ham and Newcastle managers' markets but at the moment stand to lose £80 or £35 if any of the favourites land the jobs. As long as an appointment is not made quickly I should have time to wriggle out of these positions.
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