Not wishing to gloat too much but here is the opening to my blog of 23rd August the Monday after Joseph McElderry appeared on the first show of this season's X Factor "After a gap of what seems like five minutes, our Saturday night TV is once again dominated by Simon Cowell in his new show which,in the arena format, should be called "Britain's Got The X Factor".You've got to hand it to Simon; it really is a slick piece of entertainment but the freak show elements are starting to wear a bit thin. On the basis that (a la Susan Boyle), they have showcased the best acts in show one I think we may have already seen one of the final two. But I'm not expecting it to be Danyl Johnson (the best audition Simon has ever seen).No. Marion and I think that Joseph McElderry with his boyish good looks and pitch perfect voice has much more to offer than the dreadful Eoghan Quinn (Chucky)who made it to the last three last year. And Danyl had the benefit of a track complete with backing singers (another first). Looking at Youtube hits to date Danyl is out in front but at only 41,000 views so far he's not another Susan Boyle." And yes I did put my money where my mouth is and won £415 which has left me in profit for my year's gambling for once (just).
A few days ago I gave you a sneak preview of our fabulous new CT8000 boiler that we will be launching at Hotelympia in late February. Having taken the boiler to the photographers myself, I didn't look too closely at the photo as I assumed it to be a photo of what I took to him. But some eagle eyed readers said that the photo didn't look quite right. And if you look at the photos above you will see what was missing. It seems that our photographer uses layers to get the perfect image. This would never have happened in the days of negatives. It's a good job it was spotted before the photo got into the new brochure.
And speaking of photos, I'll finish today with a selection of snaps from the Instanta Xmas party held at the Floral Hall Southport on Friday. A good time was had by all. All captions left to right. Lee Moore and Craig Mercer making shapes on the dance floor.
Our sales team Nick Neal and Peter Brindle get down and boogie.
Monsieur Brindle
Operations Director Dave Wilson , Sales Director Nick Neal and morning cleaner Dave Boutle
Assembly workers Joey Jones and Rafa Kolasinski
Store keeper Tony Lowe and Service Co-ordinator Max Vidal
Store keeper Phil Joce and his wife Pat
Me and Marion
Marion and afternoon cleaner Margaret
Assembly worker Andy Fyles and his cousin office assistant Lee Moore
Machine shop supervisor Mike Chubbs and welder Kirk Harrison
Factory leader Tony Mercer wih head of wiring Martin Rimmer, Andy and Lee
Machine operator Craig Mercer, with Joey Jones and assembly worker Maiusz Kiepas
Head of welding Craig Peach with sheet metalworker Gary Rodwell and Gary's partner Faye (centre)
Office manager Jenny Buckley and guest Natalie Drummond
Sales Despatch Craig Buckley and Jenny

Tony Lowe and ex employee Liz Bradshaw

Assistant Factory Leader Jason Poland and his wife Jude

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