Marion and I were delighted to read today's ITV announcement that none other than the great Chris Tarrant will be hosting "The Colour Of Money". Regular readers will know that our son Paul devised this game show and developed it with colleagues at 12Yard Productions. Staff at Instanta were guinea pigs last Christmas and we all played the game to help with research. If the show is as big a hit as Chris's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" it will be a pretty good start in TV for Paul. If you want to read more follow this link THE COLOUR OF MONEY
And so to new product news. After months of development I am delighted to report that the first sous vide water bath has today gone on trial in a real working kitchen. Marc Verite, Michelin recommended Chef Director of Southport's Warehouse Brasserie, is going to put the unit through its paces for a few months. When we have Marc's feedback we will make some final tweaks before launching the range next year. We won't take Marc's comments in isolation and will be delivering another unit to a top Yorkshire restaurant on Tuesday.

Marc Verite with our new prototype sous vide unit.

It was nice to see Gordon McDonald again this morning. Gordon, (pictured above with senior worker Jason Poland)joined Instanta in 1999 and played an important part in our wiring department before taking a well earned retirement last year long after reaching normal retirement age. Despite being recently diagnosed as suffering from type 2 diabetes Gordon is looking very well. He has recently married Ruth. They met after both were sadly widowed quite early in life and we all wish them a long and happy marriage. Thanks for popping in Gordon it's always good to see you.

And here's another face it's always good to see. Instanta baby Olivia came to see us again the other day.Here she is with Marion. She really is lovely (and the baby's nice too).
On the gambling front I am getting a bit bored (translation - not winning much)so have decided to put my entire betting fund (still tantalisingly close to £1,000) on Barack Obama to win. To be precise, because of what happened to Martin Luther King and JFK I have bet against John McCain. Having watched and read snippets of the latest debates it beats me how anybody could possibly vote for him or that winker of a running mate. So I am backing Obama in every sense and if he doesn't win God help America.
And whilst we are on the subject of the USA here is a video for NFL fans.
And finally after yesterday's mention of Churchill I read that in a recent test 16 year olds were asked for quotes attributed to famous historical figures. And what was the most popular one for Churchill? You guessed "Oh yes"
We will fight them on the beaches
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