Well now it's an official recession (the Governor of the Bank of England says so) we all have to decide how to get through it. Mind you, in the light of recent events a banker can hardly be considered to be the most reliable source of information. So that's it. There isn't a recession.
But if there was, we have to follow the boy scouts' motto and "Be prepared" although I'm not quite sure that this was what Baden Powell had in mind when he started the movement.

Now that the scouts have been given them at least they will be ready for the cheapest and most obvious time filler for these recessionary times.
We had a board meeting today. That's when we have some nice sandwiches from Tesco and I tell Dave, Nick, Marion and Gavin how the results look. And then we try and plan for the next year. We spent a lot of time considering price increases. Not always the wisest decision in a recession but sometimes a necessity. We feel that we have come up with a fair and sensible compromise and all will be revealed soon.
I wonder what this recession's legacy will be when it is all over. There are already a few popular sayings that you won't be hearing again or will attain new meanings
"It's as safe as houses" Will replace "It's a lame duck"
"It's a lame duck" - A tasty free meal opportunity
"It's money in the bank" - It's in a black hole in Iceland
"In for a penny in for a pound" "In for a pound out for a penny"
I joked a bit last week when a couple of customers went into administration but today we are getting very bad vibes about a compny that owes us nearly twenty grand and they aren't even in Yorkshire. But if a company with a £2 million credit rating won't offer a payment date for overdue accounts maybe it's time to take things a bit more seriously. I'm getting quite nervous about this one.
To cheer us up we are off to the pictures tonight to see the new Coen brothers film "Burn after reading". I've read mixed reviews but with the Coens in charge and Clooney and Pitt in the cast it has to be worth a look.
All remains quiet on the betting front with the Newcastle Manager market as flat as a pancake and all my money tied up in the US Presidential race. Maybe not such a bad thing. Come on Barack we may need the cash.
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