Here's ace welder Kirk Harrison celebrating his 31st birthday with some boiled sweets (No skimping here at Instanta). Kirk has worked for us for 10 years now and holds an important place in our welding department. Engaged to fiance Gillian, Kirk has recently become a key member of our regular five a side kick abouts and many of us have the bruises to prove it. Football apart, Kirk is passionate about Real Ale and has formed his own "Real Ale" Face Book group - none of that fizzy lager for him. He likes nothing more than a quiet pint of Old Peculiar (other than another of course) and now that he is into his thirties I expect to see him growing a beard, wearing sandals, singing folk songs and ,of course, farting a lot. Have a great day Kirk.
I am going to be at a loose end next weekend as Marion is going away on 1st March to a hen party of all things. Don't expect photos of her on here dressed in themed costume like the above. I'm sure it will be a demure affair (honest). Meanwhile I will have an exciting weekend metal detecting and visiting a couple of antique fairs. If I am lucky I may even get time to fit in a bit of train spotting.
Whilst on the marriage theme, did you see the latest episode of Mistresses on BBC last night? One of the lovely quartet managed to get up from the matrimonial bed in the middle of the night, get dressed up to the nines, drive to a hotel, have wild passionate sex with a complete stranger, go home and back to bed without her husband so much as stirring. Seems a bit implausible to me. Just noticed Marion has put sleeping tablets on this week's shopping list.Hmmmm.
I am really looking forward to Bolt tonight. As it's half term and Orange Wednesday I'm expecting a full house and lots of noise but I don't think Vue will be doing one of their special over 18's showing for this one.
I just went to the Post office for the Instanta Lottery Syndicate. This is my four weekly trip where I hand over £96 and the guy behind the counter then checks last month's tickets and give me substantially less than £96. But today, for a change, he gave me NOTHING. Yep, zero, nada, zilch.I am starting to think that investing in the lottery is even worse than investing in RBS. Mind you with the lottery there is always the hope that one day we may get something back. With RBS there no chance.
I'll leave you with a birthday song. Sorry Kirk. Not very original.
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