I just got the CBI (the voice of business) monthly trends survey. And what depressing reading it makes. All of the business graphs end with a very steep line and each of those steep lines is heading in the opposite direction to what we business people would like to see. In fact, so steep are those lines that there is nothing like them on the ten years that they cover. If these graphs are a true reflection of the current state of the British economy then it will be a case of will the last company please turn out the lights

Having said that, it was heartening to read of Cadbury's success yesterday with a 30% increase in profits. It seems that when the going gets tough, the tough get chewing with a huge increase in sales of gum and chocolate. Sadly, now that the population is living on a diet of chocolate, gum, McDonalds and pizza due to the recession, when it eventually finishes, the workforce will be in no fit state to work due to an epidemic of obesity and diabetes.

Enjoyed Gran Torino last night. The film included this motley crew as the baddies and pretty good baddies they were too. If it really is Clint Eastwood's final screen performance it was appropriate that he chose to end with a sort of old Dirty Harry. He replaced the famous 357 Magnum with a finger but was no less threatening for doing so. I was not convinced that an 80 year old could beat up one of the above hoodlums but hey Clint still looks pretty good for his age and this is only a story after all. Like Clint, I too work out regularly so perhaps I could start a vigilante group when I retire. Remember those Guardian Angels who patrolled the NY subways. Perhaps we could have the Grandad Angels and go around kicking some young ass.

Did you see that scientific survey that came out last week? It seems that scientists studied the brains of men who were looking at photos of women in bikinis. The results showed that the same areas of the men's' brains became active to the areas that became active when they were using power tools. Whilst this concluded that pin ups were dangerous as they resulted in men objectifying women (a conclusion that was made here years ago and didn't need any scientific survey), I think that this could also be an opening for some budding entrepreneur. Instead of filling the internet with sexy images of models and producing endless shelves full of Nuts, Playboy and the like, why not simply fill the shelves with magazines full of photos of chainsaws and the web with drills. The porn market could disappear overnight. In the meantime I assume that the following photo is the perfect male fantasy. (does nothing for me).

It's the final of Master Chef on TV tonight. I call it "Shouty Chef" as I've never seen anyone shout as much as these two. I can remember when Master Chef was a simple cookery programme with Lloyd Grossman, a couple of celebs and the contestants who invariably made something that would not have looked out of place at Abigail's Party.Today it is an Apprentice style juggernaut that runs for months. I assume that you have to be unemployed to enter as the finalists seem to have been at it flat out now for weeks. So when I say it's the final tonight, it's the final episode of the final. Our remaining three have already been to Buckingham Palace, Burghley House and a posh London eatery where they cooked for a galaxy of Michelin stars. Perhaps tonight it will just be back in the kitchen doing a prawn cocktail followed by steak and some ice cream. I do enjoy it but talk about over egging the pudding!
A quick question for Tony Mercer, Lee Moore and Peter Barlow here at Instanta. Which is better in the first away leg of the Champions League? 0-0 or a 1-0 win. Not sure?

And finally. After talking about objectifying women earlier, what was the first offer that Gail Trimble got after her outstanding performance on University Challenge? An opportunity to do a photo shoot for Nuts - honest. You couldn't make it up.
Having said that, it was heartening to read of Cadbury's success yesterday with a 30% increase in profits. It seems that when the going gets tough, the tough get chewing with a huge increase in sales of gum and chocolate. Sadly, now that the population is living on a diet of chocolate, gum, McDonalds and pizza due to the recession, when it eventually finishes, the workforce will be in no fit state to work due to an epidemic of obesity and diabetes.
Enjoyed Gran Torino last night. The film included this motley crew as the baddies and pretty good baddies they were too. If it really is Clint Eastwood's final screen performance it was appropriate that he chose to end with a sort of old Dirty Harry. He replaced the famous 357 Magnum with a finger but was no less threatening for doing so. I was not convinced that an 80 year old could beat up one of the above hoodlums but hey Clint still looks pretty good for his age and this is only a story after all. Like Clint, I too work out regularly so perhaps I could start a vigilante group when I retire. Remember those Guardian Angels who patrolled the NY subways. Perhaps we could have the Grandad Angels and go around kicking some young ass.
Did you see that scientific survey that came out last week? It seems that scientists studied the brains of men who were looking at photos of women in bikinis. The results showed that the same areas of the men's' brains became active to the areas that became active when they were using power tools. Whilst this concluded that pin ups were dangerous as they resulted in men objectifying women (a conclusion that was made here years ago and didn't need any scientific survey), I think that this could also be an opening for some budding entrepreneur. Instead of filling the internet with sexy images of models and producing endless shelves full of Nuts, Playboy and the like, why not simply fill the shelves with magazines full of photos of chainsaws and the web with drills. The porn market could disappear overnight. In the meantime I assume that the following photo is the perfect male fantasy. (does nothing for me).
It's the final of Master Chef on TV tonight. I call it "Shouty Chef" as I've never seen anyone shout as much as these two. I can remember when Master Chef was a simple cookery programme with Lloyd Grossman, a couple of celebs and the contestants who invariably made something that would not have looked out of place at Abigail's Party.Today it is an Apprentice style juggernaut that runs for months. I assume that you have to be unemployed to enter as the finalists seem to have been at it flat out now for weeks. So when I say it's the final tonight, it's the final episode of the final. Our remaining three have already been to Buckingham Palace, Burghley House and a posh London eatery where they cooked for a galaxy of Michelin stars. Perhaps tonight it will just be back in the kitchen doing a prawn cocktail followed by steak and some ice cream. I do enjoy it but talk about over egging the pudding!
A quick question for Tony Mercer, Lee Moore and Peter Barlow here at Instanta. Which is better in the first away leg of the Champions League? 0-0 or a 1-0 win. Not sure?
And finally. After talking about objectifying women earlier, what was the first offer that Gail Trimble got after her outstanding performance on University Challenge? An opportunity to do a photo shoot for Nuts - honest. You couldn't make it up.
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