After grumbling yesterday about the difficulty of getting garden furniture delivered to daughter Sarah quickly I finally turned to John Lewis. OK so it was a bit more expensive but the service was great and delivery has been promised for Monday. Summers in Scotland are preciously short enough so three weeks delivery being nonchalantly bandied around by other sellers was just unrealistic.
I see that there are still plenty of charlatans trying to sell 20p coins that are worth 20p for hundreds of pounds. The most I have seen paid for a 20p coin so far is £110 but let me know if you find a dearer one. The genuine undated coins seem to have settled at around £200 for the time being.We'll sit on ours for a while.
Marion and I are off on holiday on Sunday. We're spending a few days at the Holiday Inn Express in Dundee and visiting our daughter Sarah in St Andrews. It will be a welcome break and we are both looking forward to it.
My gripe about the unreliability of email raised its ugly head again today as we were told by a supplier in the USA that our account was $20,000 in arrears. As far as we know we have dutifully matched all invoices with deliveries but they are now telling us that there are about ten invoices that we know nothing about and dating back over seven months. How did they send these original invoices to us? Email of course.
I was hoping to show a picture of store man Tony Lowe's new grandson Connor who was born on Tuesday 30th June but unfortunately Tony hasn't got a photo yet. Congratulations Tony that's the first boy with an Instanta connection for quite some time.
And speaking of babies, the number one viral video this week is this from Evian
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