3rd March 1998 was an historic day here at Instanta. It was the day that a letter from a young David Sweeney dropped onto my desk. The letter told how Dave and his wife Amanda's business, City Servicing, based in Essex might be able to help Instanta. Having engineers permanently within Central London every day, Dave went on to promote the benefits of his firm. These included fully trained engineers with comprehensive stocks and vans linked with Radio Control. Not only that, he was offering Instanta a very competitive rate. And the rest, as they say, is history. I liked the letter, we gave City Servicing a try and before long they were part of the Instanta family.
In the twelve years that we have used them, this family run business has offered us an unbeatable service. Working in one of the most expensive and difficult areas in the country they have always been prepared to put in that extra effort that makes the difference between service and excellent service. We have put hundreds of customers in touch with them and they, in return, have promoted Instanta with confidence. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and consider Amanda and Dave as true friends. Like us, their ethos is to treat people as they would like to be treated themselves and this has worked perfectly. They even put themselves out to help my son Paul when he had problems with the plumbing in his London bedsit.
All of us who have had regular contact with Dave and Amanda (including me, Marion, Max, Craig and Jenny) were devastated to hear that they had decided on a change of career and have chosen to wind the business down. Today is their last day and we are so sorry to be losing them from our network of service engineers many of whom are similar family run businesses. If you read this Dave and Amanda, we will miss you very much. Please know that you will always be welcome here in Southport and we wish you the success that you so richly deserve. Good luck.
I'm all choked up now. I'll have to pull myself together. Ahem. Right. How do I follow that. Perhaps I shouldn't. I'll finish with a song just for Amanda and Dave .