for fear of repeating myself, why is the British press (and broadcast media)insisting upon talking the country into a crisis? They did it in 2008 and they are doing it again now. Here I am at work overseeing a successful business with record orders and phones buzzing and yet every lunchtime when I make my trip to pay in the day's cheques into the increasingly growing bank balance I turn on the radio and hear pundits talking about crisis and financial meltdown. Is it just that scaremongering and crisis talk is more interesting than good news or is there a perverse wish to see things go belly up. On today's bulletin one expert was saying that there were a lot of positives but the interviewer appeared deaf to his comments. And let's face it the markets are like sheep. So if they plummet after listeners panic, it won't be a case of the media being able to say "Look!We were right" instead they should be thinking "What part did we play in this?"

I liken the markets to the weak punters on my favourite betting site Betfair. I don't read the forums any more but you can guarantee that within seconds of someone posting a message that says that Jose Mourinho was spotted at Heathrow Arrivals the odds on him becoming manager of West Ham will drop like a stone and the sheep will waste their money while the savvy betting man laughs all the way to the bank. Perhaps the doom mongers are quietly buying back the stocks and shares they sold at the peak of the market before they started their crisis campaign.

I wasn't particularly surprised to hear that the News Of The World had tricked Sarah Ferguson into demanding half a million pounds to fix up an interview with Prince Andrew but I was surprised to see that she fell for the same old N.O.W trap of the fake sheik. Is she totally wet behind the ears? Not only has the Sheik trapped her ex brother in law's wife but a whole string of celebs including Sven and that snooker player the other week. When asked to meet a Sheik about a sorting out a dodgy deal for him the alarm bells should have been ringing at such a level she'd be deaf for a week. You've got to hand it to the Sheik he must be very convincing or is it just that some people are more easily swayed by money than others and he picks his targets carefully.

Wednesday usually means just one thing. We are creatures of habit and always go to the cinema but Marion simply could not be persuaded to go and see that Street Dance 3D movie I blogged about yesterday so we are downloading a film on the Apple TV (great piece of equipment check it out)and watching that. The first episode of Spartacus Blood And Sand aired on Bravo last night.It's been heralded as the most shocking TV series ever and I've been asking around the office if anybody saw it. They all just shook their heads. (It seems that they've all Sky Plussed it to watch on Friday night).

After nine days on the diet, things are going well. I have to say that, whilst all marketing for diets appears to be targeted at women, the online diet that I am on has to be perfect for men. It has lots of targets to meet and stats to fill in every day and (most importantly) a score to see how well you are following the rules. Like all men I have to try and get a better score (just like trying to improve the mpg on the Prius every trip)every day so I should be thin as a rake in a few weeks.
I'll leave you with an important message from the French premier's wife. Sign up, it's a very important cause.
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