I thought that, having sold the business on 8th January, despite my agreeing to work this year for our new owners, I might find myself with time on my hands as the transitional period ran on. But nothing could be further from the truth and I have found myself very busy (not, I hasten to add, from pressure from my new bosses). At the moment it's helping Nick to find his new Southern Area Sales Manager. We booked the advert for two weeks but just one week on we are approaching 150 applications and, in fairness to the applicants, I can't just ignore them. It has meant that some good people might be rejected but, with so many to look at, an application that catches the attention is going to be one that gets ahead. This process has resulted in this being only my second blog this week but I do aim to get back to daily blogs soon. I plan to phone some of the best applicants today and tomorrow and invite some of them to interview.

Regular readers know that Marion and I love nothing better than to take a trip to the cinema on a Wednesday and take advantage of the Orange Wednesday offer. Having been given a pile of vouchers for Christmas we are able to sit in the VIP seats and stretch our legs. But we have not been for a couple of weeks now as there is absolutely nothing that we want to see on at our local Vue. So last night we stayed in and watched "Body Of Lies" on the Sky plus Anytime. We don't remember this coming to the cinema (perhaps we were on holiday) so it was totally new to us. Although a little too convincing on the violence(which included a terrorist taking a hammer to Leo's fingers)for squeamish me, it was a decent film and we both enjoyed it.

There are so many of these flags flying locally you would think we were in the midst of some sort of nationalist rally. But it's all to do with football and the world cup, which, I hear, starts tomorrow. Maybe I'll get into it. I have been a football fan for over forty four years and still have my season ticket at Liverpool but I would struggle to name all of the England squad from photos and just can't work up the enthusiasm. Just shows what a year of watching Rafa's dismal reds can do for you. Here at Instanta the lads in the factory are going to miss lunch on Wednesday and work an extra hour in the evening so that those who want to can watch England's second game in the canteen. I'm so excited that I think I will stay in the office and man the phones.

Another problem with having a heavy workload is that it is easier to overlook things and I must apologise to our head of sheet metal work Kevin Marshall who celebrated his 39th birthday on Tuesday. Kevin is on his second stint at Instanta having taken a few years off in the 90's to experience life in the Royal Navy but we were happy to welcome him back in 1999 and he is now into his twelfth year back with us. Last year saw the birth of Kevin and his partner Nicky's lovely daughter Sophie so it has been a very busy year for him on the home front.Kevin stepped into the breach for us when the head of metal work position became vacant unexpectedly and he has done a great job as any of you who inspect the metalwork in our boilers will testify. So, belated birthday wishes to Kevin from all of us here.After the end of the next football season I wonder whether it will be him or me who supports a "small club".
Oh well I better get back to work. I've got to go shopping at lunchtime for the diet stuff and then I have to go and pick up some clothes that have been altered and some curtains that have been repaired (after a builder's accident)and there's a big pile of ironing to do tonight. I told you life was hectic.I'll finish with an appropriate video.
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