Our ex head of metal work Brian Woods appeared in court again. Five Instanta employees watched from the public gallery as his case was adjourned because the CPS had not received a letter sent to them by his solicitor. It was noted that he was wearing his Instanta tee-shirt beneath his jacket but have no idea what message this was meant to give. No doubt two fingers to his colleagues was intended.
Meanwhile Nat has been in with the baby and Lauren had ten minutes mothering practice. Baby Olivia was perfect until I picked her up. Dave has gone to Birmingham to approve the final parts for the new UCDB range and in between betfair and eBay I have written the tech spec for them. Managed to get out of the potential losses on Big Sam Allardyce on the Blackburn market but now stand to win only a few quid whoever gets it. At least no losses possible. Bit worrying when my son sends me a book on betting exchanges for Fathers' day.
Poor Marion remains very ill but perhaps this will cheer her up.

It's the house we have rented for a couple of weeks in July. It looks really nice and lets hope it lives up to its blurb on the website.
Five a Side Football at the Southport leisure centre tonight. Another opportunity for my 54 year old limbs to take a battering.
Just got a nice email from the Guardian letters editor telling me that they are including my letter (re Darling's change of taper relief) in the next book of Guardian letters to the editor. Nice to know someone reads the stuff I write.
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