For some reason he generously sent us a cheque for £2500 even though the invoice is for just £1277.80. Barclays confirm that the cheque is counterfeit and have passed it on to the fraud department. For the time being we are having a bit of fun at Stephen's expense and are stringing him along with all sorts of encouragement. Just hope he doesn't have a big mate here in England.
Today's birthday boy is assembly worker Lee Moore (above). Keen golfer Lee (29) has only been with us for a few months so I don't know him well yet but, in the Instanta tradition, he has a relation (machine tester cousin Andy Fyles) on the workforce who introduced him to us. I hope Lee has a great day and gets a good score on the inevitable round of golf.
And here are directors Nick and Dave who somehow got missed from the photos of the night at the dogs.

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