Without wishing to sound too much like Victor Meldrew I just can not believe the completion statement we have just got for buying the freehold of our premises. The vendors are selling this with VAT payable so we have to find £66,500 for four months until we can get it back. For the luxury of this, the bank are charging us a £600 fee plus interest at a high rate. And then to rub salt into the wound we have to pay stamp duty on the VAT. So just because the vendors are selling plus VAT we are having to spend £4590 extra in tax and bank charges. What a waste of money.
Fortunately we have got Flossie (pictured below) to get us out of this hole.
Yes 13 of us (13 that's bit ominous isn't it?)are off to Belle Vue tonight and we are going to put the mortage on Flossie in race 6 (don't tell the bank manager). It promises to be a really good night. Don't expect any more blogs if Flossie lets us down.
I took a loss on Mark Hughes going to Man City but fortunately I layed him on the Chelsea job and am now up to a minimum £85 profit on that market. Dipped my toe in the Blackburn market but took it staight out again with a profit of £1.72. Will leave that one alone.

My first ebay sales in months finish today and I have high hopes for this great Poole vase from the early 1930's. There are 48 people watching it and it has already topped what I paid for it. Have my fingers crossed.
Not sure if it was my best idea putting my direct phone number on the website. I keep getting calls for people wanting to order spare parts. Never mind, the customer is always right and if he wants the MD to send the spares then so be it.
Board meeting tomorrow so heavily involved in preparing reports. No time for jokes (there's a relief for you)
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