Yes D&G are 29 but the only quilted trousers they would rip off would be ones worn by their respective girlfriends (Google D&G quilted trousers if I've lost you). That's welder Daz (above right) and sheet metal worker Gaz Rodwell (left). Darren has been at Instanta for 12 years and twin Gary joined us last summer. They are very close and share many interests with supporting Blackpool FC taking up a lot of their time. Daz is a keen fisherman and has landed some huge carp. He also talks a lot of carp when he has had a few drinks. Brother Gaz is now engaged and it probably won't be long before he flies the family nest leaving Daz with the top bunk at last after all these years. Darren is a keen pool player and both are excellent footballers. The twins make up a great strike partnership in our Tuesday night kick abouts.We hope they have a fabulous birthday and weekend. We've given everyone the week off to recover.
Today sees the most excitement in Southport since the opening of the Lawnmower Museum. Stevie G will be appearing at Southport Magistrates' Court and no doubt Tesco garage opposite will run out of sandwiches again as the world's press gather on Lord St for a glimpse of the superstar, local legend Marcus McGee who emulated Stephen by going down at the slightest touch. Sadly there was no ref to give Marcus a penalty so Gerrard's mates gave him a couple of free kicks.I had a quick look outside the court on the way to work this morning and the household across the road have made a few bob with no less than three outside broadcast satellite vans parked on their driveway including a bloke perched on a crane with a camera 100 feet in the air.There was a huge crowd even at 8.45 am. Unfortunately the press will probably depart immediately after Steve's case so we won't be hearing on the ten o'clock news about all the other fights, traffic offences and petty thieving that comprises a typical Southport Magistrates' Session. No doubt our local journo par excellence Katie Grant will get a front row seat and give us all the real story in next week's Visiter (yes we know it's the wrong spelling).
Here at Instanta we're welcoming Brian Derbyshire from Datafile Software today. Brian is carrying out some much needed training on the hugely versatile software package that we strongly recommend so the office is going to be a bit under strength. Sorry if the phones ring for a little longer than usual. Keen horseman Brian recently underwent hip replacement surgery so will be out of the saddle for some time but I'm sure he will whip up a lot of interest with today's training. I hope he appreciates that we have all given up the opportunity to stand behind the presenters outside the court and wave at the cameras to be at this session.

Tomorrow our super son Paul (above with his lovely fiance Josephine) will be 26. It hardly seems five minutes since he was born and now he's all grown up. Ever since he was tiny, he's loved TV and we're so pleased that he has been able to follow that passion with a career in TV development. We've had the champagne on ice for the launch of Paul's baby, Chris Tarrant's new show The Colour of Money for months now and it seems that it is now scheduled for launch in the spring. If you read this, have a wonderful birthday son XX.
Tomorrow we will be entertaining some very close friends for lunch. Marion has devised a super menu and I am really looking forward to it. Especially the fruit
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