Anil Kapoor perfect as the sleazy quiz master
So last night was a great night. It would be good to tell you that we got 100% off the meal at Chiquito but no, as expected, it was 25% but I'm not complaining (thanks for the voucher Nat). The waitress told us that she has only had a couple of 100% vouchers over the last few months and one of them had only spent twenty quid! As I've said on the blog before, we can't fault Chiquto as a chain restaurant. The food is good (portions a bit too large), the service is quick and friendly and the prices are reasonable. Compared to Bella Italia last week, I would go for Chiquito every time.
It seems that the credit crunch is hitting in far distant lands. We pride ourselves on manufacturing everything here in England but some of our components are, of necessity, sourced overseas. Our supplier of rubber buttons is based in the UK but his supplier is in China. It seems that all contact with this particular Chinese company has been lost. They have possibly failed and our expensive custom button making tool may well have disappeared with them. Fortunately we have adequate supplies of buttons to cover us until a replacement is found but just imagine if our whole boiler was made in China. Not that any of our competitors' boilers are made in China. Oh sorry. Seems there are quite a few. I'd start sweating if that was us.
It appears that Baroness Vadera (above)has got herself into trouble for seeing green shoots of recovery. Now what's wrong with that? The Baroness also mentioned seeing Elvis performing for the fairies at the bottom of her garden and reading something funny on the Instanta blog.

It's dinner time now. At least it is here at Instanta although it's lunchtime everywhere else. And I'm tucking into my totally delicious home made tuna and sweetcorn roll. Marion reckons this is doing our bit for the economic downturn and is saving us at least £20 a week. But I would argue that by depriving Tesco of my regular Finest sandwich that's taking £20 out of the economy and adding to the recession. I mean Tesco need the money more than us. Don't they?
Just finished the roll and ended dinner with a super fresh fig. It's wonderful that the great Turkish fig famine that kept Jacobs' fig rolls out of the shops for most of last year has now ended and this lovely fruit is now back in the shops. Here's some wise advice for anyone making packed lunches for their husbands.
Mmmmm delicious.
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