There's a big celebration planned on Sunday when another of the Instanta baby girls, Bethany Fyles, is christened at a local church. Bethany was brought in by proud mum Claire to hand out invitations to the do and here she is with Lauren as Claire is too shy to appear on the blog (shyness has never been a problem for Lauren). We wish Andy and Claire a wonderful day and are sorry that we can't join them as there is a football match on at Anfield (cue sigh of relief around Instanta. You can all enjoy yourselves now).
So the pendulum swings back towards us wine drinkers with another report saying that those who drink red wine live on average five years longer than those who are teetotal. The only problem is that the suggested amount to drink to gain those five years is half a glass per day. Half a glass? That's mental cruelty.
It's the first of the month so that means just one thing - accounts. And I've got a headache after helping Marion to balance the figures. Every month just one little error can take an eternity to find. Anyway, we've found it now and we're all set to start again. We ended up 6.7% up on last April which is pleasing. This means that for the first eight months of our financial year our sales are up by a massive 0.3% and year on year we are up by 1.78%. I know it's hardly going to set the financial world on fire but in the current circumstances I think it's not too bad.
We've just fitted out our shed with some fitness equipment. Tony plans to use it as part of the new disciplinary procedure and here is Craig who was five minutes late this morning. I suppose I'll have to speak to the insurance and health and safety people before we start using it and then when I get told how much the insurance is going to cost we'll have to take it all down again. Oh well it might be better for the lads than pool and TV at lunchtimes.
Speaking of the green baize, Nick challenged me to a game of snooker last night. The highest break of the night was three balls which scored a massive 5 points and most of the scoring came from foul shots. Nick won the first two games and in the last game I needed all three colours to win. I potted the blue and pink with one shot which Nick kindly gave me as they went in in the right order but I'm not convinced that that was within the rules.
I've just been having a look at the blog statistics using Site Meter. It's really interesting to see how many readers there are and where they come from. I was really pleased to see that a blog I wrote on chain letters was quite high in the viewing figures as I thought it was one of my better blogs but when I looked at the search terms that had brought so many people to it what did I find? Lingerie. Yep I mentioned a chain letter about fancy knickers. And the second most popular blog? The one that included "Flatulent Footballer" in the headline. I think I've found my level. There was me and my right on Guardian ideals and the majority of my hits are from Daily Sport readers. Oh well at least I know what words to included in future blogs to get the stats up.
Some people don't make a lot of effort selling on eBay. Here is a fine Worcester Porcelain Cabbage Leaf Mask Jug with printed flowers and crescent mark c1780. The photo is as it was (sideways) and the total description and title follows. "blue and white jug with face on spout As in titl description nicely patterned jug witha face on the spout, been sitting on cabinet for many years unused, needs new home". That's about two hundred and thirty years unused.Sadly I wasn't the only one to spot it but at £53 it was still a bargain.
Anticipating the next big viral hit, here's the huge gathering at Trafalgar Square for the next T Mobile ad with a "suprise" visit from Pink. (especially for Max who is a huge fan and went to see her the other night).I expect the edited version to be much slicker.
I'll end for this week with some lingerie to boost the figures.
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