Because, having received an unsolicited pile of drivel from this lot yesterday, I am. This is the first time ever that right wing extremist organisations have pamphleted our house for any election and I can't believe some of the stuff that they are pushing.To quote the BNP. "British Jobs For British Workers Because We've Earned The Right. Trafalgar The Somme Dunkirk D-Day The Falkands" . What absolute and utter rubbish. Apart from being a nation of immigrants ourselves (think Saxons, Romans, Vikings, Normans) we have a massive debt to non-Brits for most of the battles listed. A spitfire is highlighted with the slogan Battle Of Britain 2009. Wasn't one of our leading spitfire squadrons (303 Squadron) manned (as pointed out by the Guardian yesterday) entirely by expatriate Poles? So it's fine for them to get killed for us but take our jobs? The BNP's MEPS will give 10% of their salaries to the "English Fair" to help fund the celebration of St George's Day. "British?" National Party. "English?" Fair. What happened to Scotland Ireland and Wales then? And who wants to support a party that wants to celebrate a bloke who purportedly once killed a giant lizard? At least the leaflets were printed on recycled paper because I hate to think of a tree being cut down to produce this rubbish. And as for UKIP? They want a return to Churchill. Let's all have a war then.
This was just a brief sample of the content. Whatever you do. Don't vote for any of this lot. If Adolph Hitler once said "German Jobs For German People", it wouldn't come as a surprise.
OK so you logged onto the Instanta web site to read about our super boilers not to be subjected to a political tirade so I'm sorry.But I've been fortunate enough to live my life in a democratic, fair and highly tolerant country and any creeping erosion of those values must be rejected at all cost. Start by targeting immigrants and what next? Gays, Jews Gypsies? Sound familiar?
I got a panic call from Marc at Bistrot Verite this morning at 8.30. Marc is the chef who put everything into the development of our sous vide baths and he told me that his bath wasn't heating. Dave and Nick went to the restaurant straight away and found that Mark's element safety cut out had activated. This was due to the water level probes being dirty and failing to sense that the unit had been switched on with the tank empty. A quick clean of the probes and push of the reset and the bath was fully operational again. It is pleasing that our fail safe devices worked and the bath was back working in no time.It is also pleasing that Marc is so happy with the bath that being without it is now unthinkable.
Orange Wednesday last night was Star Trek. I was extremely impressed by this film (which was a sell out) as I really don't like Sci Fi but totally enjoyed it. The movie has pace and humour and for once the computer generated images don't look like computer generated images but look very real. Newcomer Chris Pine was brilliant as Kirk and I can see a great future for him. His character was, tough, good looking, very funny and, above all, totally credible - the new Brad Pitt.
No doubt the UKIP and BNP candidates won't be tuning in to Eurovision on Saturday night. I wonder what treats we are in for this year. I've been humming last year's Latvian entry for twelve months now and need something new.
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