Here's Northern Area Sales Manager Peter Brindle with his new Mazda 6TS2 which arrived yesterday. It's a lovely looking car but Pete says he has to put the seats down to get his golf clubs in. All I can say is "Well Peter. You chose it!"

We signed up to the 10:10 initiative that I mentioned on the blog yesterday and are going to do our best to cut our carbon footprint in 2010. You can do your bit by clicking here. Yesterday's Guardian was full of helpful tips including the wearing of thermal underwear and putting a brick in the loo cistern. But the best bit of advice was "share your newspapers". Now that's what I call magnanimous. A bit like a turkey voting for Christmas.

I just nipped out to the pictures to get the tickest for tonight's Orange Wednesday offering "Final Destination 3D". I'm really looking forward to it even if it is just the same old gory offering as the last one. 3d should make it far more interesting.

My head is spinning with figures as I have been preparing the forecast for next year. Hopefully we should do OK. I didn't know what pay level to put in as we usually agree an annual figure in line with inflation. But it seems that over 50% of companies have had no pay increase this year and those that have have averaged 1% or less. We'll have to see.
I'll close with a dedication to Peter.
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