Whilst looking for a photo to accompany today's blog, I realised that I have hardly any photos of me taken over the last twelve months. Which is a good thing really as, instead of being in the reasonably healthy (if slightly overweight) condition I was in when this was taken I seem to have aged considerably since then. Well, I have, I suppose, as I am now 56 rather than 55 and that's a time when you start thinking about your mortality. Perhaps I'll have to find God. Anyway, as you will have guessed from, my subtle headline, it's my birthday today.It's been a hectic year. On the negative side we've had a recession to cope with at work and I've ended up needing a hip replacment to add to the problems of high blood pressure. But on the positive Instanta has done very well during the crisis, daughter Sarah has done very well in her job and got a new house with partner Duncan (who is also celebrating his birthday today. Have a good one Duncan) and son Paul has done very well in his job and got himself engaged to the lovely Josephine and (just in case you haven't read this blog before) I've written my first novel. Maybe next year I can celebrate its publication and I'll be attending book signings instead of boiler sellings. To celebrate we are going to The Warehouse Brasserie tonight.

For my birthday I have treated myself to this wonderful sexy calendar.It may have been been done before but the story behind this calendar parallels the original Calendar Girls and is equally heart breaking. I hope that you will support this extremely worthwhile cause which has been supported by the excellent Workhouse Marketing who do all our super sales literature by clicking here.
The group of brave women are revealing all in a ‘calendar girls’ style calendar to raise money for cancer patients. The group from Ribchester in Lancashire, led by Janis Whitlock who lost her husband Brian to cancer last September just 3 months after their wedding, have posed for a tasteful calendar with a seasonal twist. The picture for each month relates to the theme that is associated with that time of year, for example Poppies in November. The group is selling the calendar to raise money for the Rosemere Cancer Foundation at Royal Preston Hospital, part of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The 2010 calendar costs £7.50 plus p&p and, as well as on eBay, can be bought on-line at www.ribchestercalendargirls.co.uk. Janis said, “ The idea came from a gentleman in the village called Billy Sharples who has also lost his wife and a son to cancer. The ladies of the village were keen to ‘bare all’ to raise funds , and with the help of Workhouse Marketing who photographed and designed the Calendar, and of CPL Design and Print who printed the calendar, both companies supplying their services free of charge, we have managed to produce a stylish calendar fit to grace any fridge” Dennis Benson, Chairman, Rosemere Cancer Foundation, said: “We are delighted that Janis and her friends have decided to raise funds in this way. The money raised will prove invaluable in contributing toward the care that cancer patients from across Lancashire and South Cumbria receive.” PLEASE BUY THE CALENDAR. 100% OF THE PROCEEDS GOES TO CHARITY.

Here's little Sam Clayton looking all grown up in his new school uniform. It only seems five minutes since his mum Liz was working in our office but Sam is four already. Just think, when Liz joined us, I wasn't even fifty! We are sure that Sam has a brilliant time ahead of him at school. He is such an imaginative little boy that I was thinking of asking for an autograph as I'm sure he'll end up on stage one day.

Marion is transforming into Kirsty Allsop. Son Paul and his fiancee Josephine need to find a new flat as their landlord has sold theirs so they are desperately trying to find somewhere quickly. Working over ten hours a day they have limited time so Marion is doing loads of background searching for them. The biggest problem with London flats is that every time you find the perfect one on the Internet you contact the agent and it has already been let.Mind you I bet Kirsty didn't wake up this morning and tell her husband that she had just dreamed that she had killed someone.........with a melon!
As it's my birthday I'm indulging myself with my all time favourite YouTube video (again.)Forgive me but if you can find a more exuberant happier clip on the Internet please do let me have a link.
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