Although deja vu is a topic that runs through all the Final Destination films, my headline today refers to last night's 3D effects at the local Vue cinema. Marion and I have been to three 3D offerings in the last few months, "Coraline 3D", "Ice Age 3D" and now "The Final Destination 3D" and there is no question that the effects are quite spectacular but all three films rely heavily on two effects - floaty things (e.g leaves, burning paper) and long pointy things that zoom out of the screen towards you. I enjoyed last night's film immensely for these effects (it would have been mediocre without them) but, unless the film makers manage to move away from long pointy things and give us a bit of variety, I can see a short life for this exciting new media. (It may have potential for a niche in the porn industry).

It's celebration time next week at Instanta with two big events affecting three of our people. Factory leader Tony Mercer is 50 on Monday but just because he is on holiday next week doesn't mean he won't get coverage on the blog. And on Tuesday it's THE WEDDING. Office manager Jenny Wright is marrying Salesman Craig Buckley.To my knowledge this is the very first Instanta marriage in 52 years and we have let them both have the day off! Look out for the photos on Wednesday.

Our sales team is off the road today as Nick, Peter and Craig are in Liverpool undertaking a training day with Andy Bounds Ltd. I'm really looking forward to their feedback from the day and hope that it gives them some good ideas.

This year's Big Brother has passed almost unnoticed here at Instanta. Last year it was a real water cooler topic and, with Craig, Max and Jenny's advice I managed to win a couple of hundred pounds without watching it. This year nobody has watched it and I stand to win a meagre £22.50 on Betfair if the favourite wins and about £18 if it's anybody else.
We haven't had a competition on the blog recently. But if you like them here's an interesting one with $300,000 in prizes.
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