When the phone rings in the middle of the night it's usually a cause for panic. Has the burglar alarm at the factory been activated? Has a relative been involved in an accident? So when we were woken up at 1.30 this morning by my mobile beeping we were a a bit shaken. And when Marion's did the same a few seconds later we were really worried. Sitting up in bed with a jolt I grabbed the phones to find on both a message from Orange. It seems that they were updating our phones' software. Well thanks a lot Orange. Next time you choose to do so how about doing it at a time when your customers are awake?

I don't want to get at Orange too much as they are, of course, the sponsors of our favourite Orange Wednesday and dedicated to the film industry which is our passion. It's quite strange at the moment with a great choice of films on this week after weeks of our struggling to find something to see.This week there is Sherlock Holmes, The Road, Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll and we still haven't seem Avatar yet. I wish the film industry could get its act together and spread the good films out over the year but, of course, we are in the Oscar season now, hence the glut.

I like to think that I keep up with what's going on in the world and in touch with all the latest trends so when I first heard about Facebook a few years ago I enrolled straight away and managed to find no less than ten friends (about five more than I have in real life). It was a bit of fun and I enjoyed the news feeds and the wall messages but at Christmas I realised that I had about forty friends and didn't really know any of them. Was I really bothered that they burned the turkey or went to watch Spurs or were happy that they won ten quid on the lottery? Did I want to join in a pillow fight check my IQ against theirs,see how alike my favourite song choices were or send them a cow for their farm? No. So I am no longer a member of Facebook and find I have a few minutes more time in my life and that's something that I do want.

It's about time that we told you a bit more about our superb new boilers that we are going to be launching at Hotelympia. We like to keep our cards close to our chests until fairly close to the exhibition as we don't want the competition to steal our thunder and copy us but I don't think that they will have time to catch up now. Here is the new CT8000. It's a bigger version of the CT6000 so, you might think, nothing much new there. But! The new CT8000 along with all the CT range of boilers AND the WM range will now include programmable timers. This means that customers will be able to chose the time of day when the boiler switches on and switches off on a seven day timer. This will enable users to gain the maximum energy efficiency and optimise their power consumption.
But that's not all. In addition, the CT and WM boiler programs will now have the scale monitor that was an optional extra built in as standard. This will allow the installers to choose from a range of scale treatment to suit the site and program the boilers to warn when the filter needs to be changed.
There's more too but I will save this for another blog.
Yesterday I finished with a dog. Today I'll end with a topical cat.
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