I'm not a dog lover. I'm not even an animal lover. But even I can appreciate what a lovely little creature office manager Jenny Buckley and husband Craig in sales department have in their new pet Poppy. Poppy, a cross bred King Charles and Springer spaniel was the Buckley's Christmas present to themselves and I'm sure that the little beauty couldn't have found a better home.

After working on the new prices for 1st March during the holiday period, I've been tweaking them a bit more today. We still haven't settled on the exact figures but we are getting close and will be issuing a newsletter next week together with copies of the new price list. Watch this space for advance notification.

The thaw is finally starting to set in. After days of sub zero temperatures we've actually seen positive figures on the thermometer today. I suppose that this is no news at all to you if you are reading this in the UK but it's good to wake up and see that the car windscreen does not need cleaning for once.

My mum's birthday went off well on Friday. The film "It's Complicated" was anything but complicated but it was a bit of fun and we enjoyed it. We took my mum on to Chiquitos where we were joined by my brother and sister in law for a bite to eat. At 84 mum is looking well and is still going very strong.
I'll close today with a dedication to Poppy.
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