I said yesterday that last night was going to be make or break for Rafa and I was really pleased to see that the team rose to the challenge and gave a passionate display reminiscent of the old days when Liverpool would never say die.Thanks to Dirk Kuyt's goals we got a well earned win.OK it wasn't the nicest football and skill was distinctly lacking but, what they lacked in skill, they made up for in effort. The crowd responded extremely positively and got behind the team making it a very upbeat night for all of us Liverpool fans.I particularly enjoyed seeing Jamie Carragher making a huge impression as captain. He gave out just the right amount of stick and encouragement to his team and was instrumental in lifting everyone. Keep it up. If we can get Torres back the season might be back on the rails. As for Stevie G. £40m sounds like a lot of money to me.

In the factory the lads are working flat out to get the orders completed for tomorrow.We got a nice order for some special new boilers for a company who are supplying hospital trolleys. This could be ongoing. We are trying to get them finished as the factory closes on Friday for a week's holiday next week. Don't worry, we'll all still be here in the office.
When I saw these wrinkly eyes above the headline "TV's worst shows named" my heart sank as I thought that they might belong to Chris Tarrant who presented "The Colour Of Money" the show developed by son Paul last year. But when I clicked on the story I was relieved to find that they belong to Derek Acorah who presented a seance in which he "contacted" the late Michael Jackson. There were a number of notable stars in the top ten list including Horne and Corden and Al Murray and, I am pleased to say, another game show "Heads and Tails". "The Colour Of Money" probably won't resurface in the near future but Paul has some more shows in development and I look forward to blogging on them when they come out. We've got all the programmes that Paul has been involved in on the SKY Plus. We almost had a disaster last week when the HD box packed in. The engineer came round and said that although we can still play back our recordings we need a new box as several channels have no signal and if he fits the box we will lose all the recordings. So I had to rush out and buy a DVD recorder and am now in the process of copying all of Paul's shows across. I've done "The Great British Village Show" ,"Are You An Egghead?" and " Who Dares Wins" and am now onto "The Colour Of Money". I'm just relived that it was the channels that packed in on the box and not the recordings.

The Hotelymia Exhibition is rushing towards us. However well we plan and however much time in advance we get things moving it always seems to take us by surprise when we get to a month before. We've got a few weeks yet but we are approaching deadlines for samples, for brochures and more. We always seem to make it in the end at the last minute. Two years ago the printers had to deliver the brochures to the stand on opening day (my fault not theirs I hasten to add) and Dave Wilson and Nick were at the factory until midnight on the day before to make sure that a sample sous vide water bath was ready. There's cutting things fine and there's cutting things fine.
And talking about cutting things fine. You know how there's often a big argument about whether the ball crossed the line in football matches. Well here's one to watch. What do you think? Goal or not?
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