Our cinema trip for Orange Wednesday this week was Shutter Island. I was not expecting much as the reviews had not been that great but the film which is all about delusions and bad dreams was very good and we both enjoyed it very much. It has been suggested that the film pays homage to Hitchcock and there were certainly a number of very Hitchcock like scenes (even the unconvincing backdrops looked intentional).

Speaking of bad dreams, for the last few nights I've had a recurrent one in which I am being circled by a vulture. It's quite horrific. I'm not quite dead but the vulture keeps swooping down to take a peck at me.I don't often get bad dreams but this one just won't go away. Maybe there's a hidden meaning in there somewhere but I just can't think what it is.

I have gone from a leading position in our Guardian pick the score league to trailing in third place. Jenny and Max have flown ahead of me with Max standing at 30th in the whole country. I really must ask him for some tips as my football bets have all been losers for the last two months. Fortunately I have been sensible and have not bet more than my weekly £20 allowance.

When I write tomorrow's blog I have to say happy birthday to someone here in the office for Saturday. Unfortunately I don't have a photo (apart from ones that the person doesn't like).I have been promised one for tomorrow but if it doesn't arrive I might have to resort to using the unpopular ones.
Football's going downhill isn't it? I am grateful to the Guardian for pointing me towards this parody (at least I hope it's a parody) from a page 3 stunner. Please, please, please do not watch this if easily offended.
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