Unlike the Proclaimers I couldn't walk five hundred miles (bad hip you know) but we did drive five hundred miles on Saturday to go for lunch at the Seafood Restaurant in St Andrews. "Is the food that good?" I hear you ask. Well it is very good indeed and well worth a visit although a five hundred mile round trip is not recommended. No, we went to see our wonderful daughter Sarah who was involved in an horrific car crash the Friday before.We wanted to see that she was OK. I am pleased to say that she looked great although she was still suffering from the shock. She won't let me put the photo of her car on the blog but the photo below of another car will give you a good idea of what happened to her. She is extremely brave and I am pleased to say that she went back to school this morning so lets hope that the kids gave her a good day.

Nasty eh. Whilst we were on our flying visit to St Andrews we managed to get a look at Sarah and Duncan's house which is unrecognisable from when they bought it last summer. They have done a fantastic job of doing the place up and it's going to be amazing when it is finished. I know that they are both a bit fed up of living in what is virtually a building site but there are three finished rooms so the house is livable in and it won't be long before there's a fourth and fifth room finished. Sarah and Paul both gave their mum a lovely birthday present so Marion had a very happy birthday (apart from the Abba tribute of course). Can you hear the drums Fernando? Sadly yes my ears are still ringing.

Here's John Walkinshaw from our electronics suppliers KLH Electronics plc looking very thoughtful. John has been working on our new all singing all dancing circuits for our new range of boilers and they are fantastic but there are a couple of tiny, minuscule glitches which have cropped up and, being a perfectionist, John is determined to put them right. We're almost there now although his assistant Michelle has christened the circuit the bungee as it keeps bouncing back to her. Pretty sure that we have ironed the lot out now and we're all set. You won't find a more comprehensive boiler circuit anywhere.

I see that BBC2 are running a quiz style programme for antique collectors. It's called Antiques Master and is aimed at finding the top amateur antiques expert in the country. I don't by any means think that I am the top amateur antique expert in the country but I may be one of the top amateur antique experts in the country who are willing to make a fools of themselves on the telly so the application is in the post.Speaking of quizzes, we are off to the local accountants Champion's quiz night tonight at a local bar. These are usually fun events. Our biggest problem is coming up with a witty name for our team. It's traditional for pub quiz teams to have quirky names like The Know It Ales or Never Been Quizzed. We are looking for something original. Any ideas before 5pm welcome.
Here are some blokes in India who must fancy ending up like poor Sarah.
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