Craig Buckley is celebrating his 27th birthday today (or he will be this evening when he is going out for a family meal). Nicknamed Craigy Bacon from his childhood enjoyment of bacon butties, his love of that great British institution continues with his organisation of the Friday weekly butty order for the factory - the delivery of which I have to watch with hunger pangs as I anticipate my yogurt and banana lunch. Craig joined us as a seventeen year old office junior and has worked in most of the office jobs before moving to his current role assisting the sales team with all the information they need to get the sales growing. Keen (and very capable)footballer Craig met his wife Jenny here at Instanta (our first Instanta wedding). He supports Liverpool and also enjoys walking his dog and having the odd flutter playing online poker. Have a great day Craig and, once again, as this will be the last time I blog your birthday, thanks for your support over the last ten years.

The factory is closed for summer holidays next week although with the weather at the moment you could be forgiven for thinking it was a winter break . We planned this last year to coincide with our annual stock take but after the takeover we changed our stock taking date to 30th June so the holiday date has no real significance although it does help to have everyone off for one week as it means fewer weeks with too many on holiday. Before they go, the lads have gone flat out to meet a big order for 275 units and the pallets have been piling up in the factory. I am pleased to say that the deadlines have been met and they will all go out tonight.

I've been reading the stories about Graham Swann and his drink driving charge. He's been getting a lot of stick about his claim that he was going to buy screwdrivers to rescue a pet kitten stuck beneath the floorboards - certainly a novel and original excuse and one that could spawn hundreds of jokes. But, bizarre as it might sound, Swann had tweeted about his missing cat several times in the previous couple of days so he had certainly lost the animal and far from being staggeringly drunk, his blood alcohol reading was 83mg against a limit of 80 (just 3.75% over the limit and about two pints of beer's worth). I am not condoning drunk driving but surely the police must have some margin for error in their findings and what was their excuse for stopping him? Driving erratically? Jumping a red light? Speeding? No. "He was driving a high performance car in a neighbourhood that had seen a number of burglaries" or maybe to paraphrase "he's got a nicer car than us, let's pull him over".

At last an Orange Wednesday chance to go to the pictures tonight with the release of Salt. Vue are showing it a couple of days before the official release so we can go without the preconceptions we get from reading the reviews. The trailers made it look good (don't they all) and I'm off to get tickets at lunchtime. Thanks to son Paul who bought us a pile of vouchers for Xmas, we can sit in the posh seats and could even enjoy a tub of popcorn if it wasn't for the diet.
Marion and I are getting excited about our trip to London at the weekend to see the broadcast of Magic Numbers the great family entertainment show on ITV1 at 9pm on Saturday. It's live TV which makes it a risky business as BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker discovered to his own cost yesterday.
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