Congratulations to assembly worker Lee Moore and his partner Emma. They are now proud parents of baby Ellen who was born yesterday morning. Ellen weighed in at just under seven pounds and she and her mum are both doing well. I look forward to getting a photo to put on the blog when Lee gets back to work from his paternity leave.

Yesterday evening at the gym I had a surreal experience. I was sitting on an exercise bike (the only apparatus that I can use at the moment) setting the controls when suddenly I looked up and a woman was standing right in front of me her face a few inches from mine. I jumped in surprise. She was massively overweight (20stone plus) and she had a neat goatee beard. "I'm an ugly sod aren't I?" she said. To which there was only one honest answer but, before I had chance to utter it, she went on to add that the DHSS were paying £1,100 for her to have her beard removed. Why I was brought into this confidence I have no idea but it was a very strange moment. Fortunately, as I was lost for words and the conversation was all going one way, she left and went on to repeat her story in a very loud voice to the lady on a nearby treadmill. I felt sorry for her but if she had appeared as a character in "Little Britain" Lucas and Walliams would be accused of being over the top.

Sad to read the news that Freddie Flintoff's recovery from his knee injury is not going to plan and the chances are that he won't be able to play again for at least another four months (if ever). Oh well that might mean that he is available as team captain again for the new series of Paul's show "A League Of Their Own" which was announced yesterday. Having seen Freddie's memorable rendition of "Suspicious Minds" at the recording of an episode of the last series, it would be great to see him back. There's a big article about Freddie in today's Guardian (click here) in which, amongst the list of alternative money making opportunities available to him, the bizarre possibility of him wrestling in the USA's WWE or similar is suggested.

This year's football close season has been a disaster on the betting front. Last year my son gave me a lot of help in betting on Big Brother and I ended up a winner as the footie season kicked off again. But this year's betting has gone pear shaped. The tactic was to pick an outsider who might grow in popularity and lay the bets in the last couple of weeks of the show. Paul suggested Caohomine might fit the bill. The plan was running well and I put steady bets on her until I stood to win thousands if she won but then, just as her popularity was on the rise, she walked out before I had chance to lay the bets so I am left with a best case of a £500 win (with an extremely unlikely housemate)and a worst case of a £190 loss on some of the more likely ones. Fortunately the potential loss on the favourite is under £55 so I may not have had my fingers burned as much as I thought. The dilemma now is whether to bet against her (Corin) and guarantee a loss of no more than £100 or to stick with her. I've got two weeks to decide. As I haven't seen the programme I suppose it was all a bit of a er (is "gamble" the right word?)betting on the show.
Twiddling my thumbs a bit a the moment. I am all psyched up to get cracking on our new computer system. It's in Australia but I can't log on to it yet. I'll have to pass my time somehow. How about a trip to the local lake in all this glorious balmy sunshine?
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