How's that for a catchy headline? If I get much better I'll be writing for the Sun soon. Well I suppose that it covers today's main story. Here are Sean Johnson (right) and Lee Moore (left), from our factory, with John Hall from VOSS. John is training Lee and Sean on driving and using fork lifts. This will leave us with better cover for holidays and other absences and make sure that there will always be someone available to load the carrier's wagon when he collects our daily sales.

And the training is pretty timely as the factory is getting clogged up with pallets full of boilers for a big order that we are due to complete this week. Perfect for Lee and Sean to put their new skills into practice.

I wrote about Angels of Ribchester yesterday. Here's a photo taken by Mark who took us there. I told you it was a bit different.

There's a debate about legalising drugs going on at the moment. I'm glad that it's being raised again as I've been pushing for it for years. Just think how much crime is caused by drug addicts trying to raise the cash for a fix, how much money is wasted on prison for possession, how many lowlife make a fortune from others' misery. Prohibition of booze caused Chicago to turn into a paradise for Al Capone and mobs like his and areas of many inner cities in England are controlled by drug barons here. Make drugs legal and it comes into the open. Buying from a chemist means that risks of adulterated powders are eliminated. The drug barons will no longer cause misery for their customers and the savings in drugs squad and the like will be phenomenal.On the downside, making drugs more accessible may encourage more users but we have a demand that is being fulfilled by criminals and that demand is not going to go away.
What do you do when you have money to burn? Go out and buy 15,000 fireworks. A bit of a damp squib in my opinion.
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