We got the bank statement this morning and it certainly caused a stir. We balance it every day religiously but today there was something missing-those two little letters at the end of the balance "DR". Yes for the first time in as many years as I can remember we weren't overdrawn (at least in the bank's books)so hallelujah. But I'm not cracking open the champagne just yet. We're paying all our suppliers tomorrow so I expect to be back up to the limit in a couple of days. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.

And speaking of champagne did you read about that bear that burgled a house in the USA. The Guardian reported today that a couple in San Bernardino in California returned home to find the bear in the kitchen scoffing a box of chocolates. It had been into the fridge and moved vegetables out of the way to get at the choccies. He had also tried to open a bottle of champagne but with no success.
It's the last day of the month and Craig tells me that he has had no orders at all yet. When I wrote on the blog on Friday asking readers not to order on Friday afternoon so that Lauren could get off to her Take That concert it was only that afternoon I was taking about!Come on it's the last day of the month we need a few orders to equal last June. Don't forget the special offer on the ex-demo etc on yesterday's blog.

Oh well, with no orders to process Lauren and Craig are just going to empty the pool table and go through the 20p's looking for the rare undated ones that slipped through the mint some time earlier this year. Chances are slim as only 200,000 appear to have been minted but you never know. They're supposed to worth £50 each and are the only undated British coins to have been issued for over three hundred years.
I spent an hour yesterday having my backside massaged by a physio.It hasn't cured my groin strain completely but my muscles do seem a lot less tense and it was certainly preferable to an afternoon working.

Me and Marion are not tennis fans but when we watched the Ten O'clock news last night and at the end the newsreader said that a match was still going on, we switched over to watch the last couple of games to see a Brit scowling, pumping his fists in an aggressive manner and urging the crowd to cheer him on. Come on Andy that's not very British. We're supposed to get beat and say "well played sir" to the winner. "Come on Tim"
Instead of Tennis I'll leave you with a Samurai playing baseball - with his sword.