Yes, our multi talented sportsman Craig Mercer could soon be Instanta's very own Victor Ludorum. Already the Instanta golf champion, Craig has reached the final of the Instanta Pool Tournament and could be our Victor. That is as long as he beats the favourite, Jason Poland, in the final. Craig has a two game lead in a best out of five final and we plan to hold the rest of the match at the next staff meeting. No pressure there then Craig.

Our week of culture continued last night with Pinter's The Caretaker at the Liverpool Everyman. It's good this culture isn't it? Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die. Yep I am offering a prize to the first blog reader who can tell me what it was about. First prize is a ticket to go and see the play. Runner up prize will be ten tickets. Sorry for sounding like a Philistine but basically it's a play set in a gloomy room. There's a tramp. There's a saddo brother who turns out to have had some sort of electric therapy so he's a bit dodgy. And then there's the sinister older brother. Saddo brother offers the tramp the job of caretaker (heavy irony this is the grubbiest bedsit ever)but tramp thinks he's better off with sinister older brother and starts slagging younger brother off. Result tramp gets kicked out by them both. The end. Oh and there's a bucket hanging from the ceiling and every now and then a drop of water lands in it with a resounding and extremely loud plop.

After that I think that tonight's dose of culture will be sitting in front of the TV and watching Liverpool's Carling Cup Tie against Arsenal.It's said that there may be just a possibility of our newest signing Alberto Aquilani making a brief appearance. This season teams are not taking this competition as lightly as they have in the past and I expect to see a fairly full strength Liverpool side out tonight. Arsenal may well put out there youth players again. I'd rather we played the seniors. Last time I saw Liverpool play Arsenal's kids we got thrashed about 6-3 at home!

I wonder how many of the postmen realise what they are doing in going on strike? I have always been a bit of a Guardian reading leftie softy but these poor blokes (and women) seem to be being led up the garden path by a leadership that is probably made up of covert agents of someone like TNT or DHL.I mean what are they going to gain from the strike if half the business disappears to competitors? "Whoopee. We won the argument but you've lost your jobs anyway because the turnover has been decimated" won't put food on any plates.As for end users, like Instanta, we have to apologise for the failure of spares parts to arrive on time or apologise because we have had to use a more expensive alternative service and then we may have to apologise for paying late because the cheques are purportedly "in the post". Give it up lads and see a bit of sense.
May not have time to blog tomorrow until we get to Woodstock. Speaking of which, we are looking forward to the film.