I find it surprising that, having survived the scandal of the housing claims, Jacqui Smith's career is now at risk because her husband watched an adult movie and it somehow got onto her expenses claim. Tory newspapers are baying for her blood but is this really something to bring her down? It seems to me that whoever leaked the story has it in for the Home Secretary. If you investigate you will find that the films rented were not hard core R18 material but something far milder. With millions of people using pornography in the UK (no doubt many of them Mail & Express readers) this should be a "Let him without sin cast the first stone" moment and only MPs and journalists who can honestly say without fear of contradiction that they have never seen something of this nature should be allowed to call for her resignation. If so I suspect the story would disappear overnight. The real scandal is the report that Smith was "furious and mortified" at her husband's choice of viewing. OK "Ocean's Thirteen" is not up to much but "Surf's Up" is great.
Here at Instanta we are just putting the finishing touches to the sous vide equipment which is due in the photo studio tomorrow. We have had a bit of flack for showing the prototype at Hotelympia 12 months ago but still not being in production. This is a major step for Instanta and is our first ever non-beverage related product. Once we had the feedback from the chefs as to exactly what they wanted we then had to tool up for it and then give the products lengthy field tests. The result is two superb digital water baths which have proved to be accurate and reliable and we can launch them confident that they are what the market wants.
Two days to the end of the month and the 1500LCD is selling like hot cakes. I expect March to be a bit down on last year as we had one order in March 2008 for over 300 boilers. We could boost this month's turnover if we were able to get out an order for over sixty boilers that we are customising for a new customer. They are all tested and ready to go but the operating instructions requested are longer than "War & Peace" and haven't been approved by the customer yet.
Listening to David Mitchell's "The Unbelievable Truth" on Radio 4 yesterday I learned about the Rhinoceros Party of Canada. This was a real political party that started in 1963. Policies included "Providing Higher Education by building taller schools" and "Ending crime by abolishing all laws". Sounds like my sort of party. Perhaps we could start a branch over here in time for the election. As well as being a good panel show host, David Mitchell is also a great writer with a regular column in the Observer. The Observer and Guardian have some brilliant writers at the moment. The pieces on The Apprentice by Charlier Brooker and by Sam Wollaston on the documentary Trophy Kids were sublime. You can read them here (Charlie Brooker) and here (Sam Wollaston)
I just found one of those films that the home secretary's husband was watching. Here it is. Warning contains content of an adult nature.
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