Sitting in the conservatory as I write and for once when Marion and I are on holiday the sun is shining. Marion's credit crunch vacation is into its second day now and the sun has been out for most of the daylight hours. Spring is definitely in the air. I can almost see the shoots sprouting in the garden and last night frogs deposited a pile of spawn in the pond which certainly gets us thinking that winter is behind us. I nipped into Instanta briefly this morning just to check that we were still inside the overdraft limit and to pick up a couple of parcels of stuff that I bought on eBay at the weekend. Craig tells me that orders were good yesterday and that new dad Gary is going to join us for football tonight. Didn't manage to see any of the United fans and no doubt they were pleased that they didn't see me.
Yesterday we power washed the drive and today we are doing a bit of gardening and have just spent a fortune on bird seed to feed our feathered friends (or is it perhaps another of Marion's credit crunch plans. I saw her recipe book open on Pigeon pie). It's quite amazing the variety of food you can buy for birds. Mind you last time we bought this much we ended up with the garden looking like a scene from the famous Hitchcock movie.
We haven't decided on a film for this week. Maybe as we are on holiday we will give it a miss as there doesn't seem to be much on. The intro to Watchmen which I raved about last week and posted on the blog here has been taken off Youtube due to copyright issues. I hope you got to see it before it disappeared - brilliant wasn't it? And if you didn't see it, get down to the cinema straight away.

Managed to lose another chunk of the weekend accumulator winnings by being so stupid as to think that West Ham would beat West Brom last night. The Betfair forum was abuzz before the match that the Hammers were not going to win. This usually ends up with the team in question winning about 5-0 but for once they were right. Oh well still up for the year so far.
I'll finish with a clip for Craig and Jenny. They recently got a Wii. I wonder if they've got this game yet.
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