Sing it high, sing it low.Let them know The Wicked Cockerel's dead! Hallelujah. After months of crowing at ungodly hours and throughout the day the noise has finally abated. I can only assume that Bertie Rooster has gone to meet his maker or maybe the credit crunch got on top of the owners and they ate him for dinner. Whatever happened to him, peace has returned to the neighbourhood and the anticipated summer of discontent has been averted. And no I didn't report my neighbours to the environmental people although I was on the verge of doing so.

After completing the accounts to the end of February my trip to the end of the pier has also been averted for another month. Sales for the six month period were down 1.74% on the same period last year but overheads were down by 15% due to exceptional spending on R&D and exhibitions last year so we actually made a small profit. So we're here for another month and still flying the flag for British manufacturing.

What a revival a bit of TV advertising can cause. Put an old classic song on the TV to promote your product and suddenly the artist's career is on the rise. The Co-op Bank's use of Bob Dylan's "Blowing In The Wind" has had everyone here humming it but last night at the cinema I witnessed a far better use of a Dylan classic in the opening credits to the enigmatic "Watchmen". This has to be the best opening to a film for years and is worthy of an Oscar on its own. I urge you to pass this video on and ask your friends to do the same.

Despite the recession the WA5 wall mounted boilers are flying off the shelves. In fact they have flown off the shelves and we are out of stock of them and of the 1500LCD. Despite our best laid plans we have not kept up with the demand for our economy range although I am pleased to say that the 1500LCD is coming back into stock just as the last one leaves. The WA5s will be back next week but we have sold almost all of them already. It just shows that in times of recession, it pays to have a Value Range in your catalogue.

Before "Watchmen" last night there was a trailer for this. Whilst Horne and Corden's Gavin and Stacey is a pleasant piece of whimsy, and a massive success I don't know why someone somewhere has decided to fund this as they haven't even found any good bits for the trailer. I have seen the duo doing a number of awards and comedy shows and don't understand why nobody has had the guts to tell them that , outside G & S, they simply aren't funny.

"Red Riding" tonight Channel 4. Don't miss it.
After completing the accounts to the end of February my trip to the end of the pier has also been averted for another month. Sales for the six month period were down 1.74% on the same period last year but overheads were down by 15% due to exceptional spending on R&D and exhibitions last year so we actually made a small profit. So we're here for another month and still flying the flag for British manufacturing.
What a revival a bit of TV advertising can cause. Put an old classic song on the TV to promote your product and suddenly the artist's career is on the rise. The Co-op Bank's use of Bob Dylan's "Blowing In The Wind" has had everyone here humming it but last night at the cinema I witnessed a far better use of a Dylan classic in the opening credits to the enigmatic "Watchmen". This has to be the best opening to a film for years and is worthy of an Oscar on its own. I urge you to pass this video on and ask your friends to do the same.

Despite the recession the WA5 wall mounted boilers are flying off the shelves. In fact they have flown off the shelves and we are out of stock of them and of the 1500LCD. Despite our best laid plans we have not kept up with the demand for our economy range although I am pleased to say that the 1500LCD is coming back into stock just as the last one leaves. The WA5s will be back next week but we have sold almost all of them already. It just shows that in times of recession, it pays to have a Value Range in your catalogue.
Before "Watchmen" last night there was a trailer for this. Whilst Horne and Corden's Gavin and Stacey is a pleasant piece of whimsy, and a massive success I don't know why someone somewhere has decided to fund this as they haven't even found any good bits for the trailer. I have seen the duo doing a number of awards and comedy shows and don't understand why nobody has had the guts to tell them that , outside G & S, they simply aren't funny.
"Red Riding" tonight Channel 4. Don't miss it.
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