As you can see from the photo, work has begun in earnest to demolish our cherished gas tower. For centuries the tower has stood at the gateway to the town like a beacon welcoming travellers from far and wide. Even more to the point the tower is right next to our factory and all we have had to tell visiting guests is to "look for the gas tower and you'll find us". Now we will have to go to the expense of a map. Peter Raymond our local photographer has sent me an archive photo of how the area looked before it became built up and you can see how the gas tower predates Southport itself. Max and Craig in our office have threatened to tie themselves to it but when I told them they wouldn't be getting paid whilst they were demonstrating their passion soon faded. A sad day for the town.
Oh well.Things have to move on I suppose and the local residents will finally be able to get Channel 5 just when we are all going digital.
I've spent all morning completing the annual tax and National Insurance returns for the Inland Revenue. It beats me how every year I manage to make several mistakes involving no more than 20p which then take me about two hours to find. It all balances now and has been transmitted to the IR. It's a trip to the airport now to take daughter Sarah who is off to visit her Nan in sunny Benidorm. If I get back in time we can get cracking finalising the Sous Vide brochure.
Just got an email from Hans Kleiner of Apolon Services. It's a very funny list of genuine writing taken from Church bulletins. There are scores of them and there's not enough space here but anyone asking is welcome to a copy.I particularly enjoyed these :-
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
It's good to see that President Karzai of Afghanistan has back tracked a bit on that Shiite law that he was planning to introduce.I don't understand a country that can consider making it law for a woman to have to "preen" for her husband at least every four days, abolish the crime of rape within marriage and to make it illegal for her to leave the house without permission. It was interesting to see that in addition to these rules the woman would also be entitled to sex "every four months".
Which reminds me of the story of a lecture given by a leading sexologist. The sexologist's main argument was that the more often that people have sex, the happier they are. To prove his theory the professor asked the audience "Stand up those people who have sex every day". A bunch of ecstatically happy people jumped up. "OK" said the professor "three or four times a week". More, very happy people stood. "Once a week?" A relatively happy few stood up. "Once a month?" resulted in the gloomiest bunch of miseries leaving their seats. Pleased to have demonstrated his point so graphically, the sexologist finally asked the crowd. "I don't suppose that there are any for whom it is just once a year?" As he said this the happiest merriest, most cheerful bloke in the room leaped to his feet whooping and waving his arms around "Me. Me" he shouted. The sexologist, devastated at the wreckage of his argument asked "So what makes you so happy?"
"It's TONIGHT" was the response.
And talking of happy people. I was very happy and having a wonderful weekend until this happened.
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