In order to fall in line with our new parent company we are moving our year end to 30th June and we are aiming to impress the new owners with an excellent ten months' results. So we are pulling out all the stops and hoping to get a near record number of boilers out of the doors today leaving us with our best ever June sales. Our sales are as buoyant now as at any time before the recession set in and,if Instanta is reflecting the industry as a whole, it would appear that the doom mongers are wrong and we are back into a period of growth.

I have just posted an offer letter to our preferred candidate for the new Southern Area Sales Manager position. Trying to find the right man or woman for the job was a gruelling process but at least one person should have a pleasant surprise when they open the post tomorrow. Which will give Nick a busy time as he needs to train the successful applicant before he goes on his summer holidays in late July.

We are beginning to think that we'll never get back to our regular weekly cinema visits. Every Wednesday we eagerly scan the listings at the local Vue (where we have gift vouchers that will cover every week until well into 2011)and for the last five or six weeks we have drawn a complete blank. The half dozen films showing tonight have mustered less than seven stars in the reviews between them and that means that some real stinkers are on offer. The cinemas will blame it on the World Cup and there are reports that cinema attendances are down 22% on this time last year but if they want people to go to the movies instead of watching footie there has to be something better on offer. When "Get Me To The Greek" is the film with the highest ratings it's time to take up another Wednesday night pastime. Is there a Quiz on anywhere?

We are starting to see the benefit of Sarah's gift of a patio vegetable garden. As we are on a stringent diet at the moment, a gift of a huge variety and number of salad leaves has come in very handy as you can see. This was yesterday's lunch - a fruity salmon salad.
No football tonight but, in case you missed it, here is England's World Cup highlight. Apologies for the bad language. If you are easily offended, don't read the subtitles.