Thursday, 18 November 2010

Favourites Perhaps But Favouritism - Never

Anybody who has read this blog over the past few weeks will have got the message and known that we are leaving very soon. I have been dedicating my blogging to thanking those who have helped me and Marion in our running of Instanta. And nobody is more important than our staff. This photo was taken for our brochure at the start of the year and includes many of our employees although Liz, Dave B, Barabara, Margaret, Peter Brindle,Nick and Gavin were not here at the time and young Tim,Rob and Haylie hadn't joined us at the time.

Any boss would be a liar if he or she said that they didn't have any favourites amongst their workforce. Who isn't going to like those that give their all and make an extra effort? But there's a difference between favourites and favouritism and I would hope that throughout our time at Instanta we have been totally fair and I would like to thank every single employee individually for their help.Here goes in the order that they come up on the payroll.

So Margaret, thanks for keeping the place spic and span and for keeping us amused with your tales of Elvis fandom and for your happy disposition.

Liz for being such an incredibly nice person and learning all the accounts in such a short time.And for all those times when nobody could keep a straight face.

Craig for your unflappable disposition, your sense of humour and excellent rapport with customers and staff alike and for doing such a great job in sales.

Dave Boutle for your unmatched cleaning skills and for giving me someone to moan about eBay with.

Rob for being an incredibly fast learner and for your extremely interesting take on current affairs.

Haylie for making such a tremendous effort in taking over the credit control from Marion - an extremely hard act to follow.

Barbara you've only been here a few weeks but I can already see that you pick things up extremely quickly and I'm sure that you'll be happy here.

Tim the quiet man of Instanta. You've only been with us a short while and I haven't had time to get to know you but I wish you every success here.

Colin for making light work of all the tasks you are given and for quickly picking up the knowledge of how the boilers work.

Tony Mercer for being Instanta's longest serving employee and for leading such a super efficient assembly line and for helping me and Marion out so much in the last twenty odd years with virtually no absence.

Martin for your impeccable attendance record and your supreme accuracy in our wiring department.

Joey for reminding me what being young was about and for your memorable contribution to our five a side nights and your hilarious stand up at the Xmas party.

Mariusz for all your hard work and effort and for coping so well with all of us foreigners.

Lee for our shared love of the cinema, your incredible ability to remember things and for your efficiency in all the jobs you do.

Rafa for your great attitude to work, your politeness and hard work and amazing mastery of the language.

Craig for running such an excellent welding depart, your reliability and hard work and our shared interest in antiques.

Dave or Aitch for your long service, your friendly disposition and our shared interest in losing money on gambling. And for making  my life easier by supporting a team that is no better than mine.

Mike for running an excellent machine shop and for your willingness to always help out and get on with the job. Thanks too for the help with the boxes.

Sean for a great attendance record, friendly nature, helpfulness and for making a genuine effort.

Daz for your reliability and enthusiasm, for learning to weld so well and for your great contribution to our football. Good luck with Blackpool.

Jason for your incredible work ethic, graft, accuracy, attendance record and willingness to help.

Kirk for your excellent welding skills and for keeping me informed of your amazingly wide range of interesting hobbies. I never expected to have an Instanta beekeeper.

Kevin for jumping in when we were at our lowest and taking over the sheet metal work so seamlessly, learning so quickly and running it so efficiently.

Steve for your flexibility and willingness to do whatever is asked of you without complaint and for all those times when there was a problem with the car.

Andy for the conscientious and thorough way that you test the equipment - a truly vital job that you do so well.

Gary for your very helpful nature, great attendance record, hard work and contribution to the quality of our products. Good luck with Blackpool too.

Peter Brindle for truly having Instanta running through your veins and for making such a hugely positive impact on our sales.

Max for taking over my responsibility for tackling warranty work so efficiently that nobody will miss me and for your past company on the kop.

Gav for buying so well and making such an important contribution to our margins and for maintaining our relationships with BSI, impeccable time keeping and great attendance record.

Phil for your jovial nature, great attendance, helpfulness with the customers and I won't forget you packing all those eBay packets for me in the past.

Jenny for being a human dynamo, your encyclopedic knowledge of the spare parts and for running a happy and efficient office and stores.

Peter Barlow for all your hard work and for demonstrating what being a passionate football supporter is all about. I just wish that in all your years with us I had had more opportunities for the bragging rights.

Tony Lowe for your composure and efficiency in our stores, your excellent attitude to customer service and conscientious effort.

Dave Wilson for the incredible thoroughness that resulted in our products being so successful, your dedication to Instanta and your amazing success in our gaining all the standards that we have achieved.

Nick for replacing me so effortlessly as the face of Instanta within the industry and doing a much better job of it than I ever did.

That's everyone I think - no favouritism no back handed compliments. We've been very lucky to have such a great bunch working for us and will miss you all.

Speaking of missing people I missed a visit from Natalie yesterday when she brought in her new baby Isabella. Marion naturally grabbed her first to get in a bit of grandmothering practice. Message to our kids- big hint.

I'll close today with a lesson for anyone parking where maybe they shouldn't. Beware of pensioners.

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