Monday, 22 November 2010

What Next?

With less than seven working days left, my mind is finally starting to look ahead and I am starting to think what we are going to do with an extra forty five hours every week. "A bit late now" you might say, but we've deliberately not thought about it before so that we could concentrate on the job in hand and make sure that our departure will be as seamless as possible.

We've been at Instanta almost every day this year and haven't had a holiday for almost thirty months so a holiday has to be the first priority but, with a replacement hip booked in for a week on Monday, overseas travel is going to have to be put on hold for a few more months.

Ebay just isn't profitable in the way that it was when it first arrived in the country. In those days you could put anything up for sale and there would be an eager audience waiting to bid on it. Today there are more items than there are willing bidders and, unless you happen to buy something at a bargain price, the chance of selling for a profit on eBay is slim.

Another novel? I loved writing my novel in 2009. I had twenty copies printed and gave them to friends and family. Feedback was actually very positive but the couple of negatives were so discouraging that I gave up hope of looking for publication. Maybe a writing course and rewrite would be worth thinking about. If you took into account the number of words that I have written on this blog over the last twelve months that could easily fill another book so writing one shouldn't be that big a problem.

Spending more time with the family. Well I couldn't spend much more time with Marion as she has been at my side almost constantly for the past twenty years and that has been great. But perhaps we could see more of our kids Sarah and Paul although as they and their super partners Duncan and Josephine are both involved in pretty tough and time consuming jobs there won't exactly be too much opportunity there. ( I hear sighs of relief in St Andrews and London).

The one thing that I know that I can do well is management accountancy. I don't just mean book-keeping but understanding the books and acting on the information they supply.  I think that is the one area that has helped me most in my careers at both Instanta and with Barclays so maybe I should offer my services as a trouble shooter for small businesses who aren't very good with their books.

Or maybe I should just put my feet up,have a well deserved rest and watch some TV. If you get chance try "Raising Hope" the new offering on Thursdays on Sky1 -very funny.

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