Wednesday, 10 November 2010

3D Or Not 3D? That Is The Question.

It's Wednesday which, as usual, can only mean one thing - a trip to the cinema using the fabulous Orange Wednesday promotion. We have to get our own phones in a couple of weeks and we went on the Internet to check out our options on one of those comparison sites. We could be tempted to move away from Orange on looking at the figures but they don't mention the Orange Wednesday benefit which is worth a few hundred pounds a year to us and will reduce the real cost of the phones considerably.Anyway,after "Another Year" on Saturday left us feeling a little melancholy and "Let Me In" on Monday was also a bit sad, we're off to see "Jackass 3D" tonight. That should blow away the cobwebs and liven us up a little. I know you're probably thinking what on earth a near pension age couple are doing going to watch what is (according to NME) stupid and puerile but I'm very keen to see the application of 3D to firing of dildos and excrement out of the screen as that must surely be a cinematic first and we've always been what is known as "early adopters".

As "early adopters", we've been having a look at both the iPad and 3D TV lately. I know we've probably missed the boat on the iPad and we would no longer be early adopters if we bought one now but to be honest, whilst it looks great, do we really have any use for one(unlike the fabulous Apple TV which is a fantastic piece of equipment that we've had for years and for which we could still be seen as early adopters as I don't think Apple have sold many)? But with 3D TV we have to ask ourselves do we watch a lot of TV? Yes. Is the 3D quality good? Yes it's very good. Do we need a new telly? Er, not really. Is there much being broadcast in 3D? Er, not really. Was there much HD being broadcast when we got HD? Er virtually none but we still enjoyed it when there was something. The jury is still out on this one. I'm very keen to try it but I know that the prices may soon come down but there again you only live once and might as well enjoy what little there is available now in the knowledge that, like HD, there will soon be more. We'll decide after we've left Instanta.

With just over two weeks left here, our new computer operating system arrived yesterday. I had promised that I would oversee it's installation and get it up and running before I left but that was when I thought I would have four months and not twelve working days. I have launched into it enthusiastically but have been hampered by my right hand getting cold. I don't know what is causing this - perhaps it's coming out in sympathy with my right hip but since I lost almost three stone I've felt the cold much more and have gone from the one who sat sweating pleading with Marion to turn the heating down to the one who does the pleading to turn it up. I'm sitting here in a centrally heated office with an electric heater alongside me and I've GOOGLED cold right hand and found that some associate it with using a computer. Oh dear, maybe I won't be able to input all that data.

Maybe I should throw a sickie. But that would not be in my nature. As I face retirement I've been thinking about my career record. I've been working since I was 18 so that's almost forty years. I think, and I don't want to exaggerate, that I have had at most five sick days in that time that's less than one hour per working year. And it's not simply because I have been self employed as I worked almost twenty years in a bank. Is it that I am extremely healthy and lucky? Maybe. Or maybe it's just that when we grew up it was just the done thing to go to work or school and muddle through. Anyway I know that one or two here at Instanta, including Marion, Martin and Tony have similar records so I'm not in any way unique.

I'll finish today with a video for our son Paul who spends a lot of time thinking of ideas for game shows for TV. I imagine that when the researchers on Wheel Of Fortune set this puzzle they didn't quite expect it to be solved this quickly.

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