I have just finished emptying my desk and have moved everything into the office that is currently used as our board room and meeting room. From tomorrow I will no longer be here in the hub of things and listening to everything that is going on but stuck in a dark cell in solitary confinement. You may wonder why I am committing myself to this solitude (a question that I am asking myself) but it is all in the interest of the company as Marion and I won't be here in eight months' time and I want everyone to be used to life without me in plenty of time so that I don't just not turn up in December and everyone starts scratching their heads and finding out that I did actually do something (sometimes).So what am I going to do in my solitary confinement?

Internet poker? Well, I suppose I could give this a try. I have always enjoyed a gamble in a small way and I've watched my son playing this online but I'm not sure that I can get into it. I've tried playing it for free but I'm not sure that people are playing in the same way when they aren't risking any money.

eBay? I've not done much of this lately and Peter Raymond has shown me how to take better photos so maybe I can list some of the seventy odd pieces that I have bought in the last twelve months and not got around to selling yet. I've got some really nice items so my time won't be wasted.

But let's face it, I'm not being retained to mess about on the Internet so I will probably devote my time to some book keeping and working on figures to make sure that the company continues to move in the right direction. We are certainly moving in the right direction at the moment as the bank account is in credit even though we have paid the VAT bill and paid all our suppliers bang on time.It's causing some confusion in the accounts department as they are so used to us being overdrawn they can't always get the hang of adding the credits onto the balance rather than taking them off. I think we'll be implementing a new computer system before we leave so maybe I will devote all my time to that.
I'll finish today with a dedication to myself.
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