After four days in solitary I have taken to answering the phone "Good Afternoon Alcatraz" so it only seems sensible to follow the famous bird man's lead and get a little feathered friend for company. The only positive so far is that I can hear the radio. The negative is that I can also hear the lads in the factory singing along to it. It's a bit like having the Seven Dwarfs out there. I'm expecting Snow White to turn up any minute. Hi Ho.

But nobody can accuse me of being lazy. Over the last twenty four hours I have labelled over two thousand envelopes for a mail shot and then put a newsletter in each and sealed them all. At least Phil was kind enough to frank them for me. There again the franking machine is in an area with people in it so Phil was probably just making sure I remained in Purdah. At least I've got the Internet which is a bit more interesting than a canary. I mean there's only so much that you can do with a canary and I imagine that after a week of its incessant cheerful chirruping, frying it would be the top option.

I hear that Clegg won the debate on the telly last night. I didn't watch it as I was busy watching Paul's show. I phoned him up to tell him how good it was and he told me that he was watching the political debate and watched his show on Sky Plus later. It's just not the same son. You don't get the same atmosphere when you watch a recorded version. I did like Jimmy Carr on last night's show. He really is a brilliant comedian. I watched Charlie Brooker's "You Have Been Watching" later.

He reviewed "Spartacus Blood And Sand" which is coming to your screens on Bravo soon. It appears that the title understates the content somewhat with the scenes that Charlie showed containing a lot more than just blood and sand and a lot more of Spartacus than you would normally expect to see on TV unless you subscribe to the adult channels. I think I will be giving this one a miss. Oh well it's almost four thirty now. That means just one thing a bit of freedom.We've got a bloke coming to sing for us here's a preview. Back in the cell Monday.
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