When I heard the Kop singing this tribute last night I had to pinch myself in disbelief. A player who has single handedly created a new meaning for the word mediocrity being lauded to the heavens. At first I thought it was some sort of joke like the sympathetic mock enthusiasm shown for Eric Myer ten years ago but when the crowd continued with a heartfelt chant of "Rafa Benitez", I realised that they had lost their collective minds and wondered if Rafa has been putting some sort of mind changing drug in the pies. Mind you a 4-1 win against a top team that had been unbeaten in months was an achievement and the records will show that Liverpool (and Fulham) are the last English teams in Europe this season.

Liverpool's progress in the Europa League will hit the ratings of Paul's show Sky1's "A League Of Their Own and I was half hoping that they got knocked out last night as that will mean another two Thursday nights when the programme will be up against live football (and who are the target audience? sports fans). Last night's show was great and I watched it this morning whilst eating my bowl of cereal and then I went and watched it again while I was doing the crossword upstairs so that should be another two on the ratings. This young chap, Jack Whitehall was very good and the show was laugh out loud funny. Come on Sky, now that Manure and Chelski are out of the Champions League, why don't you move A League Of Their Own to Tuesday.

I've just given the go ahead for the dealer newsletter to be printed.The letter is to advise everyone just how fantastic the new boilers are. In fact they are so fantastic that we have sold out already and some customers may have to wait two weeks. "Two weeks!" I hear you say? "That's nothing!" But regular customers will know that two weeks is an eternity here at Instanta. Victims of our success I suppose but we are doing our best to get everything in stock as soon as we can.

You really start to feel your own mortality when all the obituaries in the papers are people that figured large in your youth. Yesterday was no exception with the sad announcement of the death of Malcolm Mclaren. Love them or loath them, nobody over fifty can forget the impact that the Sex Pistols had when they arrived on the scene and I was very sad to hear of the death of someone who contributed such a lot to the country's arts scene. And even if you didn't like punk, you can't fail to raise a smile when you watch this.
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