I thought that with the huge volume of traffic that we see on here, one day on the blog would have sorted us out with our new Sales Manager but, despite one or two mentions of interest in the position, we've no firm applications yet.So, as I said yesterday, if you're good at sales and based in the south, get in touch.

I am indebted to our ace local photographer Peter Raymond for sending me this photo of an advertising billboard for an airline. Now who came up with that slogan? Quite brilliant.

I had a nice phone call from Calomax MD Tony. He phoned to say that he appreciated my gift of the last copy of my novel and was kind enough to tell me that not only had he read it but that he actually enjoyed reading it. The lady who painted the cover picture also emailed to say that she loved it so, apart from a few lukewarm and one hostile response, I've had a fair percentage of the twenty who I gave copies to who have given me positive feedback. The artist has suggested that I send more copies out to her and she has a friend who will sell them on the island upon which the island in my story is based.

Next weekend will see me as the Jamie Redknapp of the BBC's new antiques show. Regular readers will have seen that I recently applied to compete in their new Antiques Master quiz. I didn't make the first team but I am on the bench and am going to the recordings in case one of the other contestants drops out (and having seen the typical age group of antiques collectors at fairs, that is not beyond the realms of possibility). It will be an interesting couple of days and I am looking forward to it.
Finally hats off today to Steven Mulvain who wrote the briefing re the pope's forthcoming visit. I notice that Steven, like our son Paul, graduated at Balliol and it's good to see that the typical Balliol sense of humour is still alive and kicking. I'm glad that the Catholic church has not made a big fuss about it. Maybe they have got a sense of humour too - something that is sorely lacking in some of today's world religions.
We're off to John Lewis on Sunday as our sofas are in need of replacement. Have you seen their new ad? Good isn't it?
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