My photographer friend Peter Raymond emailed me after yesterday's blog and told me what was wrong with my photos and offered some advice on correcting them. As always his advice proved invaluable and I have tweaked a hundred or so pictures and am ready to put eleven items, including this super Art Deco vase designed by Charlotte Rhead, on eBay tomorrow. It seems that the ideal listing time is still Thursday evening (it has been for years)as it ensures that a ten day listing gets two weekends' worth of visibility and finishes at a time when most people are not at work. So tomorrow evening whilst I am at the CEDA conference eBay will put them on line and we'll see how things go.

Whilst on the subject of Antiques, I am enjoying the new BBC show "Cracking Antiques" (great name by the way as it works on several levels). The show has two knowledgeable presenters in Mark Hill and Kathryn Rayward and it shows how it is possible to furnish your home with antiques without spending a fortune. And the great thing is that when you want to change a room again there is still some value in the furniture (unlike modern items which are usually worthless in a few years). I haven't heard back from the BBC re my recent application so it looks like I won't be competing in their new up and coming antiques quiz which is disappointing as I enjoyed the audition.

We didn't escape the fall out of the Icelandic ash completely here at Instanta. One of our suppliers suffered delays in receiving components which had a knock on effect in getting the finished article to us so we are having to work overtime to try and catch up and fulfill outstanding orders this month. At least we have orders to fulfill and, although the month won't be as good as March it should be OK if everything arrives. At least we make our own boilers and don't import them.

Tomorrow we are heading for Lincolnshire for the big industry conference at the Forest Pines Hotel in North Lincolnshire. Nick and his wife Colette will be joinig me and Marion for this big event which runs over two days. Will Instanta be winning any prizes at the last big event of this sort of my career? All will be revealed at the black tie gala dinner on Friday. Should be fun (honest). Here's a novelty black tie do.
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