We went to see Kick Ass last night (a film that does exactly what it says on the tin). It was a great night out and we both thoroughly enjoyed this comic book caper. The only problem was that, in a cinema that was completely full, we looked like a couple of pensioners who had stumbled into the wrong screen as, without a word of lie, we were at least twenty five years older than everyone else. Oh well, young at heart perhaps. Watching the star of the film 13 year old Chloe-Moretz reminded me of the first time I saw Jodie Foster. She was 14 in 1976 when she starred in Bugsy Malone and Taxi Driver and in the thirty years since there hasn't been another show stealing child star until now. Ignore all the talk about her using bad language, (it's just a few throwaway lines)you just can't take your eyes off her in every scene she appears in - quite brilliant. I can see a great future for her.

For the last few days I have been busy writing this new instruction booklet for our office staff. At the moment Max answers all the technical calls but when he is not here, I take them. As I won't be here at all in twelve months time we need some cover so, hopefully, this comprehensive guide will help. The most important piece of guidance in my opinion is to take control of the call. If you don't, you can be kept on the line for ages listening to someone who thinks they know everything about the boilers (but obviously don't)rambling on about resistance and amps and stuff like this when "have you switched it on at the on off switch?" often brings the response "is there one?".

Just got an email from Jen at Workhouse telling me that the next issue of Instanta Dealer News is almost ready to go. I just need to take a photo to finish it off and, if you are on our mailing list, you should have your copy next week.
Remember this? I printed twenty copies of my novel "Give your tomorrow" and gave them to family and friends. The feedback has been quite encouraging but the readers were family and friends and one family member told me it was rubbish so I lost heart a bit. Anyway, I have just found my last copy and it's a bit like my last Rollo. Who do I love enough to give my last copy? To prove that I am quite magnanimous, I have decided to give it to those lovely blokes from Calomax.It will give them something to read while they wait for the orders to come in.
I'm off to Anfield tonight. Miraculously Liverpool are still in Europe while Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United aren't. It should be an entertaining game. The season is almost over now and cricket will soon be back. Here's a snippet of what we have to look forward to.
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