Tuesday 5 October 2010

Welcome Back Jenny

We've missed Jenny Buckley here in the office as she has been off sick for a couple of weeks but normal service was resumed today as she felt well enough to make a return.It's been an eventful couple of weeks and Jenny missed our weeks without broadband and the disaster when our computer server went bang. Fortunately Tony Lowe and the spares team made a huge effort to keep her work up to date for her whilst she was away and I am sure that she will find everything in apple pie order. Welcome back Jenny we are all glad to see you.

We've decided on something of a marathon for our regular Orange Wednesday cinema trip. We've wanted to see "Winter's Bone" since it was released but it's one of those non-blockbuster offerings that tend not to find their way into the multiplex cinemas such as our local - Vue. However, Vue has decided to give this one an airing - hooray. When? 10.30pm boo.

I don't really feel like going out at 10.30pm so we've decided to go and see "Buried" at 7pm and then pop out for a bite to eat and come back at 10.30pm. Hopefully we'll be able to keep awake and I hope that the films are as good as they've been billed. The film industry is weird. Nothing worth watching for months and then loads in the same week. I suppose it makes sense as there's no point in releasing your best offerings in the quiet of summer.

I wasn't alone in falling for the X Factor hype and blogging about the injustice done to Gamu. The blogosphere,Twitter and Digital Spy went into meltdown but I suspect that there's going to be a twist in the tail and I've already read reports of "Wild Card" entries being introduced which might explain the anomalies in the live finals line up. And with such a blatantly wrong choice the producers have gained the maximum possible publicity.

I am enoying being on Twitter even if I do have no followers. Some of the celebrities I follow were complaining the other day that their follower numbers had dropped to zero - I thought that was normal. One of the most active Tweeters is Lord Sugar ( @Lord_Sugar ). At the moment he's conducting a survey on the most hated newspaper and feels that he will get a realistic response. But as a statistician I have to differ as, instead of being the view of a cross section of the nation, it will be a cross section of people who use Twitter and follow one of three (Sugar, Jamie Oliver and Jonathan Ross) of the thousands of celebrities on the site. As one of only two who use Twitter at Instanta as far as I am aware, my response is bound to be unrepresentative and to prove it I just asked everyone in the office for their choice and none was the same as mine and three chose the same paper.

And here's one of the benefits of Twitter. How else would I have found this if @IndiaKnight had not mentioned it.

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