The harvest began in earnest at home at the weekend and we duly cut our first courgette yesterday. It may not be very big but it is perfectly formed and I am sure that it will taste delicious with the apple and walnut salad scheduled for the diet tonight.

There's no shortage of salad leaves and it is a pity that there are only two of us at home as we have had enough rocket and other lettuce to feed a small army over the last few weeks, although the plants are now beginning to show signs of exhaustion and I think that the crop will shortly come to an end.

Saturday Night saw the first episode of son Paul's new show "Magic Numbers" on ITV1. I really liked Steven Mulhern (not Mulhearn as wrongly spelled in previous blogs- sorry Stephen) and the show was very entertaining with a great performance from JLS and another from Britain's Got Talent's Twist and Pulse. I haven't looked at the forums or ratings as, when "The Colour Of Money" came out it took me a few weeks to get over the nasty criticism heaped on the show and left us feeling sick after knowing how much effort had gone into its development. I did catch a couple of comments when Googling for today's blog and I have to say that those that I saw were warm and one even went as far as to say that it was "good" - praise indeed for the Internet. It was a pity that the woman who won the opportunity to phone in and win £250k managed to chose a losing box on her final pick and won nothing when she had a one in three chance of winning nothing but a two in three chance of winning £20k or more.

On Saturday we went to see "Inception". Or at least I think we went to see "Inception" or did we just dream it.Am I now writing this blog or dreaming that I am dreaming about writing this blog? We will ever know unless we have a special token such as a little spinning top or a brass chess piece. Confused? Go and see the film and all will become clear. Or will it?

The first thing I did this morning before starting work was rush down to Vue to get tickets for Toy Story 3 which is on general release today. Both tonight's shows were sold out but I was determined to see it today and so I am skipping lunch and going to the four pm 3D showing - can't wait. Marion's got plenty of tissues.
Here's a taster.
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