The Instanta year starts on the first of July for the first time today and Nick has cause to celebrate with the delivery of his new car. We took one look at the June sales at the close of business last night and went straight out and bought it this morning. Nick is pleased as punch with the vehicle.He tells me that it has 18" alloys which means nothing at all to me but I suppose that my Prius will have them too. Anyway, he needs something comfortable to drive if he is to achieve the targets that have been set for the new year - he's going to doing a lot of miles. So, off you go Nick. We'll see you next June.

My brief return to eBay trading has ground to a halt. There seems to be very little movement in my specialist area of antique ceramics at the moment and I am not wasting hours to sell stuff at a loss. I have got about forty items at home that I would like to sell but I don't think that eBay is the right place at present. Maybe I'll venture out and take a stand at a fair some day in the autumn. The last thing I sold on eBay was an electric organ that I sold on behalf of my next door neighbour. It somehow managed to sell to a church in Barbados. Now I am busy trying to sort out delivery to a London address which is not a lot of fun - especially as the organ only sold for forty quid. Why couldn't it have sold to someone local? Why do favours always have a habit of turning around and biting you?

Here's something else that won't be easy to sell. I just had a quick search on eBay and there were over four thousand England shirts for sale. Hard luck for anybody who stock piled and bought in a load of them in anticipation of glory. The only thing that they can hope for is a Germany win so that England's apparently feeble performance can be put into the context of "we only lost to the World champions".

As a Liverpool fan of over forty five years and a Kop season ticket holder for over half of those years, I would like to welcome Roy Hodgson to Anfield. Things can't get any worse than last season when Liverpool's performances were so boring that it became an ordeal to go to the matches. It is only because Rafa left that I have renewed my ticket for another season. I couldn't care less if Liverpool don't win as long as I enjoy watching the games. After all, it is supposed to be entertainment. So, Roy, please get us to play with a bit of flair. You will win the crowd over and the Benitez days will soon be a distant memory. And a bit of team spirit would be good too. Did you see the England team spirit? And who was the England captain? Precisely.
I just went onto Youtube to find a good video for today's blog but inadvertently typed in Yotube. And yes the site exists as do Gooogle, Gogle, Facbook, Appl and many many more. I wonder how many hits these misspelt sites manage in a day. It would be interesting if we bought a misspelled leading website name and put Instanta up there and saw how much our site traffic increased.I tried "comparethemeerkat.com" but "comparethemarket.com" already has it. I had a moan about the quality of what's on offer at the local Vue at the moment. Well at least we have something to look forward to at Christmas - honest.
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