We wanted to be amongst the first to see Toy Story 3 and I'm delighted that we were. The cinema was packed for the 4pm showing yesterday and the film lived up to all expectations being warm, touching and funny. Pixar pay so much attention to detail that you would need to see the film again to spot everything that is going on.It is a truly lovely film and I defy anyone of any age not to enjoy it. And, fortunately, although there were some of the sad moments that we expected, it is not in the same the sob out loud category as the tragic "Up".

It's good to see that we have a full staff here at Instanta again after a couple of the lads broke bones (not at work I hasten to add). Joey Jones (just behind Jenny) and Rafa Kolasinski (front row centre right) both broke bones in their hands within a few weeks of each other but I am glad to see both back and fully fit. I am twiddling my own thumbs a bit at the moment as I have handed over a lot of my duties in the office in view of our imminent retirement. I even offered to help out in the factory yesterday but there wasn't a rush to find me something to do. I'm getting a visit from Head Office soon and that should leave me with plenty to do as I'm aiming to set up a new computer system here before I leave. But time is running out quickly tick, tick tick.

I decided to steer clear of commenting on many of the major issues in the news recently like "Paul the Octopus" or "Raoul Moat" and Facebook as there are far too many people who are able to express their opinions far better than me and who cares what I have to say? But I have to make mention of the crime of the theft of two bronze plaques from the WW1 war memorial in Blackley for scrap. A scrap value of about £150 to destroy the memory of young men who lost their lives in the most horrendous circumstances. Pathetic.

Having got on my high horse I'm staying on it for a few minutes as, once again, the horrendous practise of stoning people to death is in the news. It's almost two years now since I highlighted the plight of poor Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow who was barbarically "executed" for the crime of being raped but now there are a dozen women on death row in Iran and a couple in Pakistan face the same fate for adultery.It's usually the women isn't it? What about the men? What was it someone said in the bible? "Let him without sin cast the first stone". My personal opinion (not Instanta's) is that even the most humane method of capital punishment is a crime.Any country that sanctions stoning should be shunned by the world.
OK I'm off the high horse now. No more political comment and back to the anodyne daily routine at Instanta.
I like Ridley Scott and just came across this project. Check it out. Looks interesting. And get your cameras ready for 24th July
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